The Southern Campaigns

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Eria - World Resources

The Physical World Annual Calendar Vichese History
Vichese Religion Knights of the Sun Blade Order of Trian
Under-dweller Religion Mondais Religion
The Great Empire Ancestral Items The Mithos

Eria - World Maps

The World Map The Empire Imperial Legions

Campaign Index

Southern Sessions Home Southern Character Backgrounds Bronze Tower Introduction
Writings of Chalyb - Part I Writings of Chalyb - Part II Writings of Chalyb - Part III
Writings of Chalyb - Part IV Writings of Chalyb - Part V Writings of Chalyb - Part VI
Writings of Chalyb - Part VII Writings of Chalyb - Part VIII Writings of Chalyb - Part IX
Writings of Chalyb - Part X

Campaign Maps

The Region Map The Local Lope Map Donna's Necklace
Temple and Caverns

The Writings of Chalyb Sequitor - Part IV

Chalyb sat at the end of the table, absently scratching his tattoo. Picking up his beer, he was again surprised at the quality of Van's brothers brew. He would have to see if they could get some shipped down to Lope. He was feeling pretty good. The party hadn't had much excitement lately, but they had accomplished a number of things. As the group formed up for dinner, (With Raphael missing, AGAIN!) Vanlenlo revealed what He, Kentaro and Chalyb had learned from the various monasteries about the cult and the potential of a bound demon:

At the Greater Church of Light they speak with the priest Drew and tell him their tale. He listens politely, but seems half disbelieving about the whole thing. He says there is a cult devoted to Yullic, known as the Cult of the White Hand, but he scoffs at the idea they may actually be active. As for the sign of Paquin, he suggests that matter is best handled by the Archons of the Silver Eye. After exchanging a few obviously forced pleasantries, he excuses himself and moves to attend a wealthy-looking merchant at the doors of the temple.

At the Sisterhood of Yeotu, you end up speaking with Mother Superior Chalia, who pays more attention that Drew did. She confirms the existence of the Cult of the White Hand and mentions they're a banned order in the Empire. She also recalls a story she heard when she was an acolyte concerning a secretive order in the southlands that were devoted to guarding a dangerous evil chained beneath the mountains.

She does not recall any real detail, only that the order had some tie to one of the orders of Eria. When you mention the sign of Paquin she also points you to the Archons.

You skip the temple of Da-chan and pay a visit to the Temple of Eria proper. Father Tolar speaks with you at some length. He recalls the order Chalia spoke of, claiming they were an offshoot of an Erian Knights Order that vowed to defend the world against a chained evil. After some convincing by Van, he agrees to show you a few fragmentary records that touch upon the Order [I'll have them at the session]. Like the others the mention of Paquin leads to the Archons.

By the night of the 42nd you've pretty much taken care of most of your shopping and business, and you all begin to enjoy the city life a bit. You notice Raphael fails to show for the evening meal, and think nothing of it, but when he doesn't show up the 43rd either you begin to worry a bit. Curious.

The company further discussed the possibility of going to the Archons and discussing the matter of the book, Ana and Chalyb gave the group some ideas of the rumors surrounding the Archons:

Paquin rose to power in the early days of the Empire (189-203 YOE). The Archons were the order of mages that eventually brought him down. That whole cycle of events led to the establishing of the sanctioned mystic orders that persists to this day. The Archons were initially granted sole jurisdiction over the mystic orders, and to this day they have a fierce reputation when it comes to enforcing Imperial law concerning magecraft. They are viewed as the Inquisition of the Mages. Chalyb wanted to repeat this because if we choose to involve ourselves with this order, we're dealing with one of the great powers of the Empire. If we cross them, or possibly even do things they don't like, they will crush us. In fact it may be they are already aware of us due to our inquiries and comments regarding Paquin.

Chalyb brought the discussion around as several people began chatting:

"We are NOT going to talk to the Archons. If they are aware of us we will let them come to us. But I don't think they would appreciate the BOOK."

Vanlenlo began to eloquently make the case for approaching the Archon's, citing the need to protect society from the greater evil.

Chalyb responded, "Good Vanlenlo, You're heart is great my friend. So great that I fear it fails to see the shadows in the hearts of other men."

"I have never encountered these Archon Mages, nor am I particularly versed in magical things. Having been in the legion I do know the ways of people who have dedicated their lives to a mission, a group or a thing."

"Consider that should we seek an audience with the Archons, one of two things will occur: A) They will know what we seek to speak with them about already, or B) We will be forced to reveal that we seek information on Paquin or be denied the audience."

"Once we have secured an audience, they are certainly going to use the magics, which are at their disposal to WRING FROM OUR VERY MINDS the answers they seek. Which will undoubtedly call forth the fact that we have in our possession an artifact of great and residing EVIL, i.e. the book."

"Assuming they do not immediately consign us to some nether region to rot for some predetermined length of eternity, they will simply leap upon they Fire Wyverns and fly immediately to my home."

"Assuming they do not simply burn the building to the ground (Sorry for the image Van.) they will certainly Roust Juro, likely scaring him half to death and more likely dominate his mind with their terrible wizardry. They will uncover the book, and take it to their secret lairs in the bowls of the witchmount. A mountain hidden to mortal eyes and only accessible to those initiated in the arcane arts."

"Having no more use for us, they may cast us to oblivion if they believe the book may have tainted us, or if we are lucky they will simply strip us of any monies and/or magical items we have as a fine or penalty for having the book in our possession, even for such a limited time."

"There we will be, naked, penniless, and with a terrible headache, on the streets of Lyme. And with a burned out house waiting for my when I return."

"No, I would rather not deal with the Devils of the Silver Eye."

"Perhaps instead, we could journey down to Kesh and consult the Oracle. We can stop by the orphanage on the way."

Balla spoke up:

"Gentlemen, I don't mean to be disrespectful to either of you but Van, you're sounding rather naive, while Chalyb, you're sounding rather paranoid. However, wisdom says that the truth lies somewhere between your two arguments. True, we must seek out some means of destroying the book, but these mages--this Archon of the what-cha-ma-call-it Eye--sound like a terribly powerful and secretive lot; and powerful secretive organizations tend to breed despotism if any of the old stories are to be believed. So, I'd say that going to them is extremely dangerous--do you suppose for a moment they would destroy the book before attempting to discover what secrets it hides merely because it is a font of Evil? Again, no disrespect intended, M'Lady, but Ana's reaction to our attempt to burn the cursed thing is probably only a mild hint of the intense interest such a powerful and magically inclined organization would have of this thing.

But apart from the outright threat this mage group may pose to the rest of humanity if they learn of this too tempting item . . . they are an Imperial organization! The item we're discussing was found in territory outside their control, and still resides in an area outside their control--OUR HOME! If we tempt them with something--especially with this thing, which we do not yet fully comprehend ourselves--then any action they take to recover it would constitute an attack upon the sovereignty of Lope. What the consequences of that might be, I have no idea, I'm not the brightest flame in the group but I can only say that the mere thought of it gives me . . . well, a very bad feeling.

So, the question again becomes, what course should we pursue in disposing of this thing? I would humbly put forth that we may have heard rumor of what we should look for. Did we not hear from Van's inquiries at the various temples . . . or was it in that old scroll we found? . . . about some order of holy knights assigned to keep imprisoned a great evil in the Vale? We have heard of stranger and more remote things and yet found them to be based on fact--who among us besides Kentaro really thought we'd find the lost monastery of Umekai? I say we seek this order of knights. Perhaps some remnant of them yet remains, or some information about them that will further our cause.

Failing that, I believe the answer lies in institutions of faith, not secretive orders dedicated to the mysterious ways of magic. Though I do not believe in all this spiritual mumbo-jumbo, Van has shown me it is in the clergy that we find the preservers and protectors of this world, the healers and the servants of good. Whereas my heart tells me that those who restrict power and deal out the dissemination of power through secretive organizations are simply covetous of power and would use any means available to further their own personal agendas."

Balla pauses, swallows hard and mumbles, "All this talking is thirsty work. I'm taking Fausto for walkies and then go grab an ale. Come on Fausto! Good boy! Scooby snack?"

Ana pulls everyone in close and talks with her voice low...

"We don't want to get the Archons involved and we shouldn't even be discussing them in a public place like this. People tend to disappear....and worse...whenever they get interested. Best to steer clear completely. Please make sure you keep your voices guarded whenever you might be overheard."

"On a related note, I've found that joining a magical order for the purposes of practicing magic with the empire is both expensive and time consuming. I've decided to leave that for some future time, maybe when I become old and ugly....don't you start with me Balla, I'll knock your ugly ogre head off quicker than you can say 'mama' ! That goes for the rest of you lot as well. Barbarians."

Chalyb then passed on some additional rumors he had heard while dealing with the local militia and some things he heard while having a drink in the Red Blade:

Duke Letan is sending troops to Sandol, there's war brewing to the south, the Empire is going to annex further lands along the Lisbans, the Duke's cook tried to poison his wife with chocolate truffle, local Barons are offering bounties on wild dogs, trade through Sandol has dropped in volume due to rebels hitting caravans along the road, the Emperor is dispatching another Legion to secure Sandol once and for all, Olawana is countering with troops of her own disguised as merchants and traders, the captain of 3rd company of the 18th legion has been accused of dereliction of duty, there are fewer pilgrims on the roads to Kesh, and astrologers have spotted a new red star in the northern sky.

In brief...

The captain in command of the Legion Company near Denshi Ferry is Tolan Junicus. That's not Chalyb's enemy, but the name is familiar, perhaps a cousin or other relative Kurn mentioned?

From what I can gather the Company is in position to secure the road between the borders of the Empire and Denshi Ferry. Apparently bandits have been active there as well as near Lope. From reports they're making progress, and rumor is they'll be recalled within a month.

More disturbing is the news from Sandol, where it seems the constant boil of rebellion might actually overflow the vessel this time. Apparently rebels have taken to picking off individual Legionnaires off duty, and rumor is arms are flowing in from Olawana via small coastal craft.

Apparently there is some interest in annexing the Lisbans towards Lope, but nothing concrete. Some of it will depend on results from several prospectors (representatives of the Imperial Mining Guild) sent down to the area to explore and report back. No word yet. There's also a rumor about a Legionnaire going into Lope under cover to bend the locals to an Imperial mindset. No specifics, but there's a story that whoever it is working with 'the local army commander' (Santo).

The talk in the Blade is firmly centered around the situation in Sandol, and the Red Blade is surprisingly empty. Apparently most of the local toughs have gone to where the action is. There is one minor noble from Sandol, Telio Faust, who is looking for a bodyguard and escort back to his home near Sandol, but your price is far to high.

Chalyb looks over the available crew of mercenaries and realizes they're pretty lame, and shiftless to boot. Not a one he'd really trust in a fight, though several offer to work for him, they seem a bit *too* anxious to be employed.

The only half-way decent merc in the bar is more intent on drinking his recent earnings than being hired. He does tell you about barely making it out of Sunis alive a few months ago. Apparently there was some sort of violent overthrow of the local ruler and he and his men were on the wrong side. They ended up trekking north through the mountains, then across Sunta's Waste to Olawana, Sandol, then Lyme. Several of his companions died crossing the Waste (sandworms don't you know...)

Van finished the discussion, "Friends, I have come into further information concerning the white hand:"

"Tolar from the Temple and I had further talks on the matter of the white hand. Although this temple here is much busier than my order in Lope. He spends a bit of time with me, and tells me a little bit about the Cult of the White Hand. From what scholars say the order is devoted to Yullic, the god of disease and decay. The followers believe Yullic's corruption must spread throughout the world for their god to gain ascendancy over the elder gods. To this end the cultists are often filthy and diseased, leaving wounds untreated and blood on the altar where they carry out their dark sacrifices. Little more is known of the cult, and in one conversation he does specifically say that none of the other creatures I described (the stinky trees, jellyleapers, etc.) are mentioned in the scant lore of the cult."

After a few more days, everyone gathered at the Inn, including Raphael, and prepared for the journey home.

Raphael had gotten each of the group a steel ring inscribed with symbols significant to each individual and some inscription of the Company of Steel.

Apparently he had gotten himself a new tattoo as well, although Chalyb didn't notice it for a couple of weeks. It was of Mios being eclipsed by Yeotu over a cloudcover.

Additionally, Raphael had acquired some maps he shared with the group. One was supposed to be a treasure map to the tomb of an ancient king.

"Maybe later. Right now we've got other fish to fry." Was Chalyb's response.

As they were preparing the coffee and such Van came wandering up, muttering to himself. Apparently he had bought new brewing equipment, and was having it shipped to Lope, but he couldn't remember when the merchant captain had said it would arrive. They had left three days before, so they couldn't ask them now.

The group mounted up with all of their new possessions and such, including 2 new draft horse of fine quality which Donna had purchased. They headed west away from the rising sun. The trip began uneventfully. With the group stopping and paying a small tariff on the items they were taking out of the Empire.

However, as they crossed into the independent regions, they saw as a man rode out of the underbrush ahead and dismounted. He raised his sword sheathed with some white cloth tied to it. Chalyb called for a halt and then rode out to meet the man.

He was older, but in surprisingly good condition for that. He eyed Chalyb as the ex-legionnaire approached. Nodding he began, "Yer Chalyb ain't ye?"

Chalyb nodded. "Indeed, though I don't have your name to my tongue."

Shrugging, the old man spat on the ground and continued, "My name's not important, what I have ta say is. Hear me out on this before ye make any choice."

Chalyb waited. He did not like this already.

"Me and my men here," Pointing, Chalyb could make out a dozen or so men. "We been involved in some of the unpleasantness in these parts." Chalyb began to tense up in the saddle.

"Now don't go getting crazy, I've over twenty men here and elsewhere with orders to hide and burn yer holdings if'n ye kill me. What I've got ta say needn't take long, but it could take the rest of yer life uf'n ye don't settle back." Chalyb could feel arrows upon him without looking up. Grinding his teeth he eased back into his saddle.

"That's good. Now hear this. My men and I we did some things I ain't proud of, but none of the strange things these Cultists have been doing. That's jest sem sick stuff. Me and the boys we don't want any part of that. We didn't participate in it before, and we're leavin' now. We don't want any trouble with you, and we wanted you to know that."

"But he won't quit. Ye killed his brother, and as of now he's marked ye fer death. He's comin fer ye, but we're leaving."

Chalyb's hand almost crushed the pommel of his saddle. How badly he yearned to kill this man in front of him. The consequences be damned, but he had come in under the code of parley, and Chalyb would not break that.

"Jest so ye's know I'm not lyin'." The man pulled down his sleeve and showed Chalyb a Legion tattoo bearing the mark of the 4th legion. Chalyb almost spat on the man.

"Go, go now and never return any of you. These lands are under my protection, and if I catch any of ye again, it'll be more than words we'll be having."

The old man nodded and began to ride away, "Oh, here" he pulled a flap of leather from inside his boot and tossed it to Chalyb. "You'll find him and what left of his men there."

Chalyb just glared and motioned for his company to join him on the road. When they arrived, Chalyb relayed to them all that had happened. Raphael retrieved the leather. Chalyb hadn't even bothered to pick it up. "Hey, Chalyb, I think I know where this is."

Chalyb just rode on in silence.

Arriving home to Lope, the party went about it's business. There was much to do before setting out again, and much that had been done.

Chalyb paid Juro, and the other's who had been patrolling the area. After checking to make sure Juro had actually been doing the patrols, Chalyb gave him a bonus of a gold sovereign.

Donna's steward was doing well with the Horse Farm, having sold another horse, and tended to the others. The draft horses fit in well, and her man said they would soon be expecting a new addition.

Van presented his wife with a letter he had drawn up carefully whilst on the road. Apparently she appreciated what it said, but still felt that he should be spending more time at home. Things were clearly rocky.

The brother Giacomo visited their brother's grave, and Balla presented Raphael a bow of Masterful quality, black with a black case, "For doing the right thing."

Kentaro disappeared for a few days, apparently on walkabout.

Ana spent some time by herself as well.

When Chalyb approached Santo and shared the rumors from Lyme, the militia chief seemed relatively non-plussed. But when Chalyb retold the story of the encounted with the bandits, Santo reviewed the map and confirmed the probable location. He also asked what Chalyb had planned to do about it.

"Well, we're going up there to root him out."

"Good, when?"

Chalyb thought, "Probably 4 or 5 weeks from now."

"What? Are you crazy? Forget it, I'll go up there myself."

"Now Santo wait!"

"Chalyb, don't be a fool. You can't let a known enemy sit around for 4-5 weeks. Even if he is still there, you'll have that much more difficult a time taking him, not to mention what havoc he might cause in the meantime!"

"OK, OK, We have to visit the dwarves first, then we'll be back and I'll take the company up to route out the bandits."

"I've your word?"

Chalyb nodded.

Van would not be joining them on their trip to the dwarves. This seemed to mollify his wife to some degree. The "letter" became a source of continuous amusement as they traveled into the mountains to find the dwarves. The trip was uneventful, and upon arrival, the party was greeted by Okon, the Dwarf lieutenant who had met with them before.

"Greetings Chalyb."

"Hail to thee Okon."

"What brings thee to Kranhall?"

"We seek your hospitality and bring news and gifts from the humans to the south."

"Ah, Gifts?"

Ana had to be physically restrained by Kentaro. "Gift?� Gift! That bastard! He said we were going to SELL the coffee not GIVE it away. Chalb.... mmrff mwffle...."

"Indeed, from the Humans of Lope, to their neighbors to the north. We know you enjoyed our coffee from last time, here." Raphael brought forth the mule with the coffee.

"200 pounds sir, freshly roasted, should be enough for the entire hall for a short time. You will want to use it soon, as it's flavor will fade over time." Raphael bowed and slapped the packs on the side of the mule. Of course, since it was spooky, he jumped and began to bolt, but Kentaro stepped forward and whispered in the mule's ear, causing it to quiet.

Nodding, Okon smiled, "Wonderful, an excellent gift. But what is that under those tarps?"

Chalyb smiled, "Come here, we've something to show you." Nodding to Balla, the other Giacomo pulled back the tarp, displaying the giant skull to gasps from the watchers on the tower.

"We found him east of your lands, near the Vale of Denshi. Rather I should say he found us. Then his two clubs found me and I found the ground. But we took him, and brought the skull to show you."

Okon nodded, performing some quick calculations. "Two clubs indeed, they are tricky that way. I don't know that I have ever seen one that big. What will you do with it?"

"Well to be frank Okon, we were so impressed by your own skulls, we thought to bring this one to show you. As clearly you are coinsures of such things. I don't really have a use for it. We would give it to you to use as a deterrent to others of its ilk if you would care for it, otherwise..."

"No, no, we would be happy to take it." Okon looked up at the gate overhead and began some quick measurements looking back at the skull and nodding. "Happy indeed, but come inside, of course you are welcome to stay the night."

With the party going inside and settling in for the evening, much of it was spent swapping giant-killing stories and buying rounds of Ale. At one point Chalyb, the Giacomo's and Okon stepped outside and Chalyb discussed the current events with the dwarf leader. He shared that they had found the monastery and it still stood in excellent condition, as did the road. He also shared that there was some restlessness of the humans in the empire, possibly annexing the lands in the lisbans to the east, but he could not confirm this. Chalyb did officially bring tidings of peace and a wish of friendship from the people of Lope and asked if the dwarves would be interested in discussions to prevent confusion and mishap between their peoples who might be mining in the same areas between their respective homes. Okon seemed pleased with this. Chalyb made a note to remember to tell Eriko about this, and to expect a dwarven delegation.

Then he described the tunnels beneath the temple, and Okon grew interested. The dwarf warned Chalyb that many of those drops went on virtually forever, and that falling off would lead to a very long fall. Okon also said that the cave crabs could climb virtually any surface. Also apparently there were tunnel worms who ate the cave crabs and could be very nasty to deal with.

Chalyb also asked if there was anything the party could do for the dwarves. And after some further discussion, Raphael pulled out his dagger and showed Okon.

The dwarf did not recognize the maker's mark on the dwarven steel dagger, but after some convincing from Balla and Raphael, he agreed to sell them some of the dwarves equipment. They had two daggers and a longsword available and the giacomos paid a fair price for them without haggling. Then the group all went into the tavern and had coffee and ale.

The next day, to smiles and waves from the dwarves, The Company of Steel headed south, back to Lope and home.

Arriving back, the company took a day to unwind, and then prepared themselves to seek out the remains of the Cult of the White Hand.

Heading into the mountains the company moved carefully, seeking sign that there had been passage through the area.

Finally, the company came upon the camp. Hiding, Raphael moved forward to scout out the enemy position. Unfortunately, he managed to trip and create some noise. As did the sentry on the other side.

"Bah!" Chalyb snorted and began moving quickly towards the enemy position.

Kentaro swallowed a small amount of his potion of invisibility and faded from sight.

The other moved forward more slowly to support Chalyb.

Suddenly the trees thinned and revealed a dozen archers at the ready.

Chalyb raised his shield and charged, several arrows found the chinks in his armor, but most bounced off his shield. Arriving at the line, he drove his flaming blade lengthwise through the cultist who stood before him.

Kentaro moved cautiously seeking out the leader. When he saw a man in white robes gesturing he began his own incantation.

Raphael was suddenly engulfed as the plant life leapt up to attack and entangle him. Van saw this and called upon Eria to remove the magic from the earth. Raphael's lightning blazed out and freed him from the entangling masses, and Van's prayer removed the rest of the magical growth.

Chalyb began to move forward to engage another opponent, when he felt tendrils of magic surrounding him and binding him in place. He watched in horror as yet again enemies closed in upon him and he was powerless to defend himself.

As Chalyb fell beneath a flurry of swordstrikes, twin fireballs erupted as Ana and Donna engulfed the enemy with their magic. Kentaro ducked and struck enemies with his martial arts within the trees, and Van reached into the pile of enemies to draw Chalyb up and heal him. Surrounded by the power of Eria he was untouchable.

The party slaughtered the remaining cultists, and searched through the remains of their camp. A non magical potion and some other junk was found, some coins, and twenty riding horses in various states of health.

Smiling at a job well done, the party returned yet again to Lope.

Stowing the horses at Donna's farm, the group found that Van was ready to travel again. Refreshing supplies and such the group went off in search of the monastery.

It was a relatively easy trip. Following Donna's magic mouth blazes they managed to only get lost once. Arriving at the gatekeeper, Ana stepped forward and said Knowledge in ancient Vichese. Everyone was able to pass unmolested.

The party came upon the monastery. Raphael noticed smoke rising from the ruins. Ana cast fly on Raphael and he flew up to investigate the whole. He could see nothing, and so the rest of the party entered in the main doors of the temple and moved towards the wyvern chamber.

And was greeted by a tall man in white robes with amber eyes. There was much banter back and forth and eventually the party pulled back for the evening to discuss how to approach this new potential threat.

The group believed him to be supernatural in origin and potentially highly powerful. This would later be supported by the fact that he radiated as a dead zone of magic to Ana's detect magic spell.

An agreement was reached whereby the party could scour the temple with no harassment, and in return Sam (the things nom de guerre) would choose 1 item from their haul.

They began by searching through the tombs. They found some burial goods, and a Helm which radiated magic. Donna also found a secret drawer which held strange writings.

Coming back to the black barrier, the group readied themselves to go through. Chalyb nodded at Ana, who said "Knowledge" in ancient Vichese. But she wouldn't test out the barrier, so Chalyb put his hand on the barrier. AND RECEIVED A MASSIVE SHOCK.

"Damn!" He cursed looking at Ana, who shrugged.

Donna smacked him on the back of the head, "You didn't SAY the word dummy."

So after having Ana get Chalyb to pronounce the word a dozen thymes, he said it at the barrier and stuck his hand on it. His hand passed through as though it were not there.

Chalyb drew his blade and stepped through, into a very small library. He willed his sword to glow, and looked around.

Suddenly he was bumped into from behind as Ana came through the doorway.

"Tell the others to wait, except for Raphael and Donna." Chalyb moved into the room.

They search through the remains of the library and collected many remnants of ancient writings. Ana brought those out for the group to look though.

Meanwhile Chalyb and Raphael found a small box in a niche, a large stone chest which had actually been carved out of the stone the room was hewn from, another iron chest bolted to the floor, and three weapons with plaques underneath.

Ana read the names on the plaques: Demonsoul was a Longsword, Blastbone was a large studded mace with skulls as the flanges, and Ironhead was a scorpion reliefed helm.

After checking for traps Chalyb and Raphael removed them and stowed them away.

This is when Donna found the secret panel in the wall. Checking it for traps and opening it they found some books.

Opening the iron chest they found many coins, and a pair of potions.

Then Raphael Checked the stone chest for traps, and Chalyb followed up. Unfortunately neither could have seen the magical ward, which exploded into a fiery conflagration.

Fortunately everyone survived, although Van immediately began mass healing when they emerged from the room. Inside the chest was a gem radiating a brilliant light.

After healing, the party gathered outside the door to "Sam's Quarters" formerly the chapel to Umekai. Sam seemed somewhat amused and surprised that they were keeping their end of the bargain.

After examining everything, Sam decided to take the sword, DemonSoul. The party agreed.

The party had some more discussion with Sam and then returned to camp.

That evening at camp, Balla and the others gathered round the fire and Balla opened up a fine wooden box. Inside was the wyvern stinger they had taken from the slain beast. It had been sealed and wound in silver.

Balla removed it from the case and passed it around to all so that they might see that it was inscribed with a symbol for each of them and also an inscription noting the date of the cleansing of the monastery it's name, and the names of all those involved.

Then he stepped back and with a slight flourish, he presented it to Chalyb as their leader in this mission.

Chalyb was thunderstruck. He had known Balla was having the item made, but would never have dreamed the young Giacomo would present it to Chalyb. Realizing he was standing there like a damned fool, he straightend, and bowed to Balla. "I receive this with honor and hold it for the company until such time as your lodge is built and it may reside there as a monument to all of us. Thank you."

With that they all settled down and discussed their futures over coffee.

Afterwards they had an uneventful trip back to Lope.

The next few days were spent in normal fashion, with everyone going about their business. Chalyb told the miners to expect the dwarves or to send their own envoy should they with to.

In time all the magical items were identified and they were claimed by the part in order:

Chalyb chose the helmet, Iron head. He placed it upon his own head, and the scorpion rose it's stinger and legs and claws into the air. Chalyb yanked it off.

Placing it back on his head the scorpion rose up again, Chalyb yelled out the password and all the other passwords he could think of, but none seemed to work. He yanked it off his head again.

Looking around, the others seemed amazed at this unanticipated turn of events.

"So be it." Chalyb muttered and put it back on. Closing his eyes he waited for the scorpions strike to come.

And come it did. The legs drove down into his temples and the side of his head, and the stinger whipped down splitting his armor down the back and ramming deep into Chalyb's spine. Chalyb was driven to his knees, but he did not scream out. Blood ran from the wounds as the scorpion shifted seeming to work its way into the best position. Blood ran from Chalyb's eyes as dark red tears, and he doubled over and vomited on the Floor of Van's kitchen.

Van's wife screamed and ran from the room, but the healer calmly stepped up and began calling for Eria's power to heal the wounds. Chalyb felt something washing down through his body and over his skin as though he had slid headfirst into a warm bath. Assuming it was poison, he clenched his fist and waited for the second wave.

But nothing came.

Van finished healing Chalyb and the other's helped him to his feet. He stood there, a nightmare figure with his head engulfed by the helm. They all tried to remove the helm in various ways, but it was resistant to both physical and magical means or removal.

Van's turn was next, and though he was hesitant, he eventually choose Blastbone. Gripping the mace Van waited for the bonding process to occur. But nothing happened.

Kentaro was next, and chose the ancient martial arts writings of Zed, the former master of forms for the order that formerly inhabited the monastery.

Ana chose the gem which had many powers in the nature of auspex.

Donna chose the ancient spellbook and descriptions of making token magics of the spells within.

(Balla and Raphael had given their turns up by earlier taking the tattooing potions.)

It being Chalyb's turn again, he claimed the two potions.

Van passed on the lesser magical helm, but Kentaro took it and found it offered some protection to his entire form.

Dividing up the gold, and agreeing to sell the precious items later, the party all dispersed to their various homes.

Arriving home, Chalyb did not remove his long cloak and kept the cowl up over his head.

"Hey Chalyb, everything ok?" Called out Juro from his room.

"Yes, fine, just a headache. Go back to bed." Chalyb grabbed some beer and cheese and went up to his room.

He set the cheese and beer on his desk and disrobed. Eventually he turned and looked at himself in the mirror. Sitting on his bed he brought his hands up to his face and did something he had only done twice before in his life.

He wept.