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Religion among the Vichese

The Vichese belief system is polytheistic. There are two main branches of pantheon. The Followers of Light worship the deities believed to be associated with Somai and Yeotu, including Trian, Eria, and Seshai. The Dark Orders worship the deities associated with Mios, chief among them Zar, and to a lesser extent, Umekai. There are other members of the pantheon, but the other gods fall on the edge or outside the two primary groupings. Of note in this category are Hajba, Yeo Alos, Nomia So, Neemosh, Sholis. Yull Nomia is an odd case in that many Vichese theologians view him as outside the main pantheon, while others believe him to be part of it. Among the civilized peoples the Dark Orders are treated with attitudes ranging from acceptance to indifference to hostility, depending on the area and the particular orders involved. The beliefs of other races are tolerated, but it is very rare for a Vichese to stray from their racial pantheon.


Of the Gods

In the beginning were the seven: Somai, the Lightgiver; his wife Yeotu, the Mother of All; Mios, the Dark; Trian, the Defender; Hajba, the Wanderer; Yeo Alos, the Preserver; and Nomia So, the Curious. They existed alone in the Void. Yeotu saw the emptiness of the Void and together with Somai, gave birth to Eria, the World, and Seshai, the Deep.

When Mios, the Dark One saw what Yeotu and Somai had done, he grew jealous, and took Yeo Alos against her will. She later gave birth to Mios' four children, Umekai, Zar, Neemosh, and Sholis. Mios favored Umekai and Zar, giving them dominion over the darkness beneath Eria where the Void remained. Neemosh and Sholis both rejected their father, choosing instead to remain with Yeo Alos.

Thus there are the Elder Gods, and the Younger Gods, their children.

Of the First People

Somai saw that Eria and Seshai were lonely in their places of power, so he took sand that fell from Eria and foam that flew from Seshai and formed it into two man-shapes. He then breathed life into each, creating the first people, the Vichar from sand and the Mondar from the foam, to keep his children company. He left the Vichar upon the lands in the middle of a rich plain, and the Mondar upon the shore. The first people quickly multiplied and spread across the face of Eria and Seshai.

Mios grew jealous of Somai's creation and gathered the scraps of Somai's workings for his own. Using the essence of the Void he formed three human figures, giving them to his favored children, Umekai and Zar, so they might make people of their own. Umekai breathed upon the first figure, and the Elves were born, but the makings of Somai were strong in this figure, and most of the Elves turned their faces away from Umekai, looking instead to their creator's mother, Yeo Alos. Zar breathed upon the second figure, and the Orcs were born, who delight in fire and destruction. But the Orcs were also flawed, paying little attention to Zar, and they fell to warring amongst themselves. In frustration, Zar and Umekai fought over the last figure, and shattered it into many pieces with their breath. The pieces were scattered beneath Eria and Seshai, becoming the trolls, ogres, giants, and other dark races.

Mios grew angry with his sons for wasting his gift and returned to the skies, causing them to darken over Somai and Yeotu as they watched their people. The pair saw this, and returned to the heavens to light the skies once again.

Somai met and defeated Mios in the day half of the skies, but Yeoril, his mighty blade, was broken in the battle. The shards of Yeoril fell to Eria and buried themselves in her flesh, causing great burning wounds. Seeing the harm he had done to his daughter, Somai took the hilt of Yeoril and fashioned it into four figures. These he set to healing Eria's wounds, giving them the ability to live in the darkness beneath her flesh. They became the first Dwarves and Gnomes, who constantly seek to repair the damage done to Eria.

While Mios was defeated in the day half of the skies, he deceived Yeotu and her brother Trian, trapping them in the darkness of night. To fight the blackness of Mios, Yeotu and Trian gave up a portion of their light and created the Mithos, the stars, giving each dominion over a portion of the night, so there is never true darkness. Weakened by the creation of the Mithos, Yeotu and Trian were trapped in the night sky and remain there in constant struggle with Mios.

When Yeotu created the Mithos, the sparks of their forging fell to where Eria and Seshai held dominion. Eria nurtured some of the sparks and made the first Sobar. Seeing they came from fire, they chose to live in the hot lands that later became known as Yeokai. Others fell into the grasp of Seshai and he touched each, giving it life. These became the first of the Manar. They chose to live near Seshai in the far north.

Most of the Mithos created by Yeotu and Trian remained in the heavens, and joined the battle against Mios, but some listened to the enemy's words and joined him. Still others were attracted to Eria and Seshai below.

Seeing that Yeotu and Trian were trapped in night, Somai called his friends, Nomia So, Yeo Alos, and Hajba to do battle with Mios. Yeo Alos was afraid to fight Mios. She took Neemosh and Sholis and set herself to watch the ways to the dayside of the sky, preventing Mios from ever leaving the night. Her son Neemosh chose to war upon his father to avenge his mother's dishonor, but Sholis chose to aid her mother, watching over the shadowed skies.

Hajba took a great journey to find help for his friend Somai, and to this day returns to give him news and help. It was Hajba who brought the Secret Light to Somai and gave the secret of language and writing to the Men, Dwarves, Gnomes, and those Elves that had fled Umekai.

Nomia So chose to go to the night sky, study the ways of Mios, and to add her light to that of the Mithos. It was she who released the Secret Light, the power of magic.

While Somai, Yeotu, and Mios fought for the skies, Eria and Seshai watched over the newly created people below. They saw the people were hungry, for there was no other life on the face of the land. They made many creatures and plants to give them sustenance. While those made during the day were well formed and became the horses, cattle, corn and other useful creatures and plants, those they made by night were touched with the darkness of Mios and his two dark sons. They became the wolves, serpents, nightshade, and the other creatures of evil.

The Mithos that traveled to where Eria and Seshai held dominion waited until all the work of creation was done, then each chose some creature or aspect of the world to join with, infusing the chosen thing with their own energies. Some chose to merge with serpents, and became the first dragons, others chose the fish becoming the first whales. Still others chose to merge with the air, becoming the winds.

Thus were the heavens, the lands, the oceans, the peoples, and the animals and plants formed. The people of Somai, Yeotu, Eria, and Seshai, the Vichar, Sobar, Manar, Mondar, Dwarves and Gnomes are called the people of light. The people of Zar and Umekai, Orcs, Giants, Trolls, and those Elves that remained, are called the people of the dark, or the dark races. The Elves who chose to leave Umekai are called the people of twilight and forever stand apart.

Of the Great Battle

To this day, the battle between light and darkness continues. Somai, Yeotu, and Trian actively oppose Mios and his son Zar, while Yeo Alos and Sholis guard the ways to day. Neemosh rages on the edge of the great battle, ever anxious to strike a blow against Mios. Nomia So and Hajba pursue their own goals, occasionally offering aid to the side of light. Eria and Seshai guard the land and the sea, and Umekai stands apart, judging the souls of the dead. Finally, Yull Nomia strikes at all, causing chaos and woe wherever he goes.

Of the Mithos

Legend holds that the Mithos are actually beings of great power, first created by Yeotu and Trian to battle Mios in the night skies. There are many ranks of these beings, for they have multiplied in the eons since their creation. They are known by many names -- Gods, Demons, Devils, Spirits, Wights, Avatars, and Angels -- depending on their strengths and relationships with the Elder and Younger Gods. The conflicts of the Gods continue through these beings, and they often serve as direct emissaries of the Elder or Younger Gods.


The Secret of Language

During the First Age, Hajba returned from one of his great journeys, bearing the secret of language and writing. He showed this to Somai, who saw that it would be a powerful tool for the people of light. Somai told Hajba to give this gift to his people, but also to warn them not to share it with the dark races. Hajba did this, then left again on another journey.

Long the wise among the people of light studied this secret, sharing it even with the Elves of twilight, but guarding it against the dark ones. Of the people of light, the Vichar were the best pupils of the secret of language, though the Elves excelled as well.

Zar and Umekai saw the effect language had on the people of light, and became determined to steal the secret for their own people. Zar cloaked himself in illusion, appearing as an Elven scholar. He made his way to the great hall where the secret was held and guarded, but the guards were deceived. He stole the secret and returned to the deeps beneath Eria.

He chose to pass the secret of language to the Elves who had remained with Umekai, for they proved to be the wisest of the dark races. He gave them instructions to study the secret, then share with all the other dark races. The Elves took the secret and learned it well, then broke it so they could rule over the other dark races. Seeing this, Umekai took the remains of the secret from the elves and punished them by casting them into the great pits beneath the world. He then took the secret of speech, repaired it as best he could, and gave it to his other children. Thus are the tongues of the Orcs and other dark races twisted and evil.

The Origin of Magic and The Guardians of the Secret Light

Once again, Hajba returned from a great journey across the skies. This time he came bringing a great chest, bound in iron. He told Somai that this was the Secret Light, a power nearly as great as the gods themselves. He warned that the Light should be kept safe, the chest never opened. Somai told Hajba to give the chest to Nomia So for safe-keeping, and Hajba did this, repeating his warning, then left on his travels once again. Little did they know that Mios watched from the shadows.

Long did Nomia So keep the chest safe, but Mios sent his son Zar to convince Nomia So to open the chest. Long did Zar speak with Nomia So, telling her of the great powers the chest might contain, powers that could be used for good, or to rule the other gods. He told Nomia So how she could rule the skies, becoming greater even that Somai and Yeotu.

Long Nomia So resisted, but eventually she resolved to peek at what was in the chest. She unbound the great fasteners and opened the lid the tiniest crack to peer inside. But, as soon as she opened the chest the slightest bit, the power of the Secret Light burst open the lid, pouring outward over Nomia So.

Realizing the Light was now free, Nomia So caught as much as she could and held it within herself, resolving to guard as much of the Secret as she could. But unbeknownst to her, Zar had caught some of the Secret Light and taken it back to his abode deep beneath Eria. He gave the Secret to the Orcs and the other dark races, to use against the people of light. Nomia So saw this and realized she had to give the Secret to the people of light as well. She chose carefully, and gave it only to a few, those wise enough to use the Secret Light only for good. Thus was were the first Guardians of the Secret Light chosen.

Nomaru and Phenosh

Nomaru and Phenosh were among the first Mithos to reach Eria after the great creation. Both were drawn to water, and spent much time in the company of Seshai and Setal. Eventually the two began to explore the length and breadth of Eria, seeking the sources of all the rivers and streams that fed the Great Deep.

Phenosh was content to follow the flows of streams and rivers, but Nomaru wished to know more, and descended into the depths from which the waters flowed. He sought out the deep places and dark pools beneath the lands. There, Nomaru encountered Mios, and fell under the sway of the Corruptor's words. Rather than seek harmony with the waters Nomaru sought dominion over them. He caused the waters to rise up, flooding the lands and destroying the works of the people of light.

Phenosh despaired at her brother's fall into darkness, and resolved to protect the surface world from her brother's anger. She calmed the floods and brought fertility to the lands covered by the waters of the raging torrent. To this day Nomaru brings the floods each spring, while Phenosh calms her brother's wrath and brings fertility out of destruction.

Basic Beliefs

Why Are We Here?

The individual is given life to participate in the never-ending battle between Light and Darkness. Each chooses their path within the chaos of the great battle, and by their acts improves their standing in the eternal struggle and the afterlife, with the eventual goal of achieving unity with one's chosen god.

How to Live

When a Vichese reaches the age of reason (generally 8 old), they dedicate themselves to one of the gods of the pantheon. Typically choice of god is based on parental beliefs, but this is not a hard and fast rule. Rules governing personal behavior vary widely, depending on which deity one dedicates themselves to. Once dedicated, a person generally follows the belief system of their chosen deity, though conversions, particularly when one marries, are not unknown. Dedication to a particular deity does not rule out revering others of the pantheon.

What Happens When You Die?

When one dies, their soul journeys to the realm of Umekai, who guards the way to the Great Darkness, and controls passage to or from its depths. The dead wait a year for the judgment of Umekai, who studies the soul and determines where it should be sent. Those that dedicated themselves to one of the Greater or Younger Gods are sent on to that deity for judgment. Non-believers are sent to the Great Darkness for eternity or, if judged worthy, Umekai may place them in his service, returning them to Eria as undead servants.

Each god has a different way of testing the souls of those sent by Umekai. Those found wanting are punished in the heavens, or sent back with a reduced position in the great battle, while those who have excelled are granted honor and glory as appropriate to their deeds and sent back with improved position. Those who have lived a perfect life are allowed to join their chosen Deity for eternity.

The Gods

The Elder Gods

The Younger Gods

The Minor Gods

Signs and Symbols

Deity Common Symbol
Elder Gods
Somai A burning globe, A raised burning blade
Yeotu A crescent moon
Mios A black globe
Trian A white shield and silver sword
Hajba An eye, A robed figure leaning upon a staff
Yeo Alos A single white star
Nomia So A hooded, robed figure with outspread arms
Younger Gods
Seshai A breaking wave
Eria A tree bearing fruit, A green circle or ring of stone
Umekai A cloaked figure with no face bearing a scale and a mirror
Zar A flame, A flame-circled eye
Neemosh A bull or bull-headed man bearing a great sword.
Sholis A pale gray circle or a half-shadow/half-lit face.
Yull Nomia A shattered circle or ring.
Minor Gods
Bitramin A blue stone or ring
Dagos Dice or a two headed coin
Midonis A jeweled scepter.
Nomaru Silver vortex of water rising from a well
Phenic A raven or eagle
Phenosh A ewer or urn overflowing with water. A maiden pouring an overflowing ewer of water.
Scalaga A cloaked figure with goat horns, a horned bat.
Setal and Tunso A jeweled dragon's head
Shaital A great serpent depicted against a wave-patterned background
Yullic A figure with a pathos-like face and a raised skeletal hand


All material Copyright (C) Mark A. Thomas