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The Great Empire Ancestral Items The Mithos

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Vichese History

What follows is a brief account of the major events of recorded history from the Vichar and Empire point of view. These events are divided into three main ages, the First Age, which is all time before the Sundering, the Second Age, which is the time after the Sundering, but before the Dark War, and the Third Age, which dates from the founding of the Empire.

The First Age


The records of this period are sketchy at best. The amount of time that has past, the poor original records, the Sundering, and the Dark War have destroyed most knowledge of this period. Scholars generally agree the First Age lasted approximately 1200 years, beginning approximately 1800 years prior to 1 YOE.


There are three main historical works that come to us from this period. The first is an ancient Vichese scholarly work entitled "On the Kingdom of Yrin", written by Abyulla Gaupoa, who was apparently a scholar/historian of the court. The sole surviving copy of this work is held in the Imperial archives of the Great Empire in Cefa-So. The work covers a period of about 400 years, and at one point, the Kingdom of Yrin covered an area that " walk from north to south would take a month, while to walk from east to west would take two," or so claims the book. Given the thoroughness of the work, and the discovery of a number of ancient artifacts in the south that conform to the artistic styles described, one can only conclude this work is genuine.

The second work is written in Mondais. It is a collection of military writings documenting the campaigns of the ruler of Foy over the course of a dozen or so years. This document bears no title, and was apparently written by a number of different clerks and scribes of the noble's court. The record begins in the year 842, and ends more or less in the year 855 (the later sections are quite damaged). Presumably these dates are in the common reckoning in use at the time (YOA - Year of [the First] Age). There are three copies of this document in existence. The first is held in the Imperial archives of the Great Empire in Cefa-So. The second and clearest copy is held in archives of the Oracle of Kesh. The third copy is rumored to be in the possession of the Guardians of the Secret Light.

The last work is a collection of short stories by the writer Hagdepa. These appear to be anecdotal tales or works of fiction, but they give some impressions of the culture of the times. No dates are recorded in this document, and some scholars claim it actually dates from the Second Age rather than the First. There are two known copies of this work. The cleanest copy is stored in the archives of the Cathedral of Somai in Cefa-So, while the second copy is held by the Prince of Mindor in the Great Empire, a noted collector of rare volumes.

jThe clearest cultural picture of this period comes from the work of Hagdepa. The longest of the stories in this work, "The Long Journey to Shil", documents a couple's trip across several months. On their travels, they pass through no fewer than four large cities, numerous towns, and many villages. This story and several others also mention visiting Elves, so apparently they were far less reclusive in the past than now. In "Darkness Falls" Hagdepa describes a great war in the distant north, and claims that "no less than 20,000 dead littered the field below the three red peaks that day." Apparently there were great conflicts even then.


Since the information on this period is so sketchy, only rough dates are available. The information presented here is questionable at best.

421-823 (YOA) On the Kingdom of Yrin
644-668 (YOA) Writings of Hagdepa
842-855 (YOA) Et'Lal of Foy

The Story

For many years, peace reigned on Eria. During the First Age, all the land was connected into one vast continent. The Humans were united into a vast kingdom, while the Dwarves and Gnomes worked in their dark ways beneath the earth. The Elves were content in their woods, and the dark races of Zar and Umekai were driven into the deeps beneath the world or the wastelands at the edge of Seshai.

Then came the strange light in the skies. At first it was only a new star in the skies, tiny and dim. But as time passed, it grew, until it was as bright as Sholis or Nomia So. Astronomers predicted great disasters would come from the new celestial body, called Yull Nomia, "Ill stranger". The priests claimed the stranger was a foreign god, come to contest with Somai and Yeotu for dominion of the heavens, and offered mighty prayers and sacrifices to aid their god.

Still Yull Nomia grew in the skies. Earthquakes became more common, and the seas rose in great waves along the coast. Wild animals went berserk, attacking with no good cause, while beneath the land, the Dwarven and Gnomish mines collapsed in ruin. Still Yull Nomia grew larger, becoming even larger in the sky than Yeotu herself.

The Sundering

Then began the days of the Sundering, when Eria was split. Legends tell of great smoking mountains that towered high in the air. The ground shook with a fury never before felt, and the oceans rose in mountainous waves that crushed out entire villages along the shore. In the deeps, vast chasms opened, and the Dwarves and Gnomes were driven from their deep holds by fire and smoke. Great crevices and chasms opened in the land, and the waters of Seshai poured in. Entire cities collapsed, and the free people despaired, fearing the end of the world.

For many weeks the Sundering continued, with thousands killed and thousands more driven from their homes. Through the gaps in the blackened clouds that hung over Eria, Yull Nomia could still be seen, hovering overhead. Still, he no longer grew larger, so many felt that Somai was fighting against him and would win in the end.

Finally, as the summer drew to a close, Yull Nomia began to shrink once again. The earthquakes diminished, and the oceans returned to their normal sweep of wave and tide. Still, the damage was done. Where once land stretched as far as the eye could see; now only Land's Edge and Seshai could be seen. A full half of the land had been destroyed or taken far away.

The Second Age

The Second Age begins with the great Sundering and the arrival of Yull Nomia in the skies of Eria, and ends with the fall of Zulos and the founding of the Great Empire. Scholars reckon the Second Age lasted 1634 years. Dates from this era are denoted CR (Common Reckoning) or YAS (Year After Sundering).

The Second Age was probably the most volatile in recorded history. There were many wars, both between various human factions, and between the races as well. It was during the Second Age that the Elves withdrew from the realms of Man and became reclusive and isolationist.

The Story

Thus began the Second Age, in fire and destruction. Great was the strife in the Second Age, for the damage caused by the Sundering had freed the dark races to wander the world once again, and the free people were weakened and confused. Some held that Somai was the cause of the Sundering and turned to Mios for comfort. Others held that Somai had ended the great disaster, and were strengthened in their faith. Others began to worship Yull Nomia, calling him Chaos Lord.

It was during this age that Zulos first became known. Who or what he was, none know for sure. Some legends claim he was once a human or dark Elf, taken by a Mithos that wandered to Eria during the creation of the world. Other legends say he was an agent of Mios, sent to torment the people of Somai and Yeotu. Still others claim he was a spirit from Yull Nomia. He was named Zulos, Dark One, Night King, and Servant of Darkness. However he was called, and whatever his origins, he was truly evil.

Zulos established a great kingdom in the northwest, and called to him all the dark peoples, Giant, Troll, and foul Orc, creating a dark and evil empire for himself. Then he began to spread his power, first through the tunneled and dark mountains, driving the remaining Dwarves and Gnomes from their ancient homes, then across the Dry Plains (which later became the Burning). He was largely unopposed, as many of the people of light were still fighting amongst themselves for dominion of the land. Only the free Elves and the Gods themselves watched as Zulos's empire grew.

After many years, Zulos's empire spread from the northern coasts to the Shomin Hills, and many people were enslaved by his dark hordes. In the north only the Elves remained free, using their deep knowledge of the Secret Light to preserve their realm. Meanwhile in the south, the kingdoms of men had grown peaceful again, driven together by fear, for the priests of Somai had received warnings of the great evil stirring to the north, and the Elves had not been silent in their resistance. The silver and black globe of Zulos' empire became a symbol of evil even in the distant southern realms,

The task of stopping Zulos's armies fell to the fledgling Southern Realms, as the kingdoms of men were know. The task of finding a way of to stop Zulos himself was given to five people. Andros, a mighty warrior of the Vichar; Cefala, First Guardian of the Secret Light; Lerian, Master Hunter of the Elves; Korish, dwarven warrior-priest of Somai; and Shantu, First Knight of Trian (and Andros' sister). Together this group journeyed across the land, seeking a piece Yeoril, the broken blade of Somai's sword, which the oracle at Kesh had revealed, would be the undoing of Zulos.

After many long years of searching, and many adventures across the face of Eria, the Five were finally successful in recovering a shard of Yeoril. Returning to the Dwarven holds in the south, they gave the shard to Kergan, the Dwarven master smith, who forged it into a potent blade. Cefala then wove the blade with mighty spells and Korish called down the blessing of Somai upon it. Oslan, "Dark Bane" was complete, and given to Shantu, who had proven herself most fit to receive it.

Dark War

Thus began the days of the Dark War. With Oslan in hand, Shantu and the rest of the Five led the armies of the Southern Realms northward to face the hordes of Zulos. Along with these armies rode the Guardians of the Secret Light, the Knights of Trian, many priests of Somai and Yeotu, the Brothers of Neemosh, and many others.

After long, victorious campaigning against the scattered forces of Zulos's empire, the forces of light finally faced the true might of the evil empire. Deep in the heart of the great northern plain the two armies clashed. The skies darkened above the gathered forces, as vast energies were unleashed on both sides. Waves of fire and great gouts of lightning shattered the skies, while the ground trembled with the charge of horse, elephant, and Dragon.

Many deeds were done that day, both for good and ill. Legends say Andros slew three Dragons himself, while Lerian and his riders killed hundreds of Giants with deadly arrows and swift lances. Cefala and her Guardians battled the hordes of Orcish shamen, while Korish called the favor of Somai down upon his allies as he fought. But most remembered are the deeds of Shantu. Through the maelstrom she strode, Oslan like a pure white flame in her hand. None could stand before her, indeed few could withstand her gaze alone. Some legends say Trian himself possessed her that day, but whatever the source, the power that flowed through her was unmatched upon the field.

The day waned, and the forces of both sides diminished and grew weary of fighting. At last, just as the skies darkened above and Mios rose over the eastern horizon, Zulos came forth. In the midst of the battle he found Shantu, and challenged her might. Long they fought in the midst of the great battle, while slowly the fighting died down around them.

Alas, disaster struck, for Zulos's dark-burning mace struck Shantu's shield with such force that its enchanted strength failed. Shantu fell, her arm shattered by the blow. Zulos saw victory at hand and closed for the kill, swinging his cudgel with great force. As the blow descended, Shantu raised Oslan and hurled it with her remaining strength at Zulos's head.

Both blade and mace struck at the same time. Shantu was killed in an instant, the dark power of Zulos's weapon breaking even her mighty armor, while Zulos stood stricken, the blade of Oslan protruding from his left eye. He screamed with fury and agony, and tore at the blade, then, mortally wounded, incanted words of destruction and power. Shantu's remaining companions rushed forward to stop the enchantment, but could not reach Zulos in time. As he completed the words of power, a great rippling was seen across the land and sky, and many were slain outright, among them Lerian and Cefala.

When those that survived recovered from the blast of power they discovered Zulos and all those nearest to him were gone, replaced by a vast circle of ash and dust. Missing also were the weapons and armor of both Shantu and Zulos. The survivors turned to face the remaining armies of the north, only to discover that their will had been broken with the fall of their master, and most of the horde was fleeing northward. The survivors elected not to pursue, and began to tend their wounded and their dead.

The next morning the survivors, lead now by soon to be Emperor Andros, discovered the circle of ash left by Zulos's passing had grown overnight, encompassing more of the surrounding land. Within nothing lived, while at the edges, the plants withered and died. The Guardians of the Secret Light and many priests studied the circle, but could find no way to halt its progress. In time it expanded to become the Burning, a vast desolate region that straddles the northern lands. Thus ends the Second Age.

The Third Age

The current or Third Age begins with the crowning of Andros the Strong as overlord of the Southern Realms, later known as the Great Empire. It is currently the 1347th year of the Third Age. Dates in the third are denoted with YOE (year of empire).

There are three main events that have set the stage for this age. The first is the rise of the Great Empire during the first 800 years of the Age. At the height of its power, the Empire controlled most of the continent south of the Plain of Sefai and the Elven Nations. The great census of 831 YOE documents 30 million citizens in more than 60 "cities of the realm", and more than 500 "towns and villages." It was during this period that the first contact between the Compact and the Empire was made (516 YOE).

The second great event of this age is the Mondais invasions that took place during the years 812-886 YOE. These invasions eventually resulted in the collapse of the eastern provinces of the Great Empire into the Eastern Kingdoms that now hold sway there. This fracturing of the Empire continued in the south for another 40 years, and resulted in further shrinkage as a number of southern provinces shook off the reigns of the Empire.

The third event that has shaped the age thus far was the Orcish wars that raged from 945-948 YOE. When the Orcish Hordes came boiling out of the Burning in vast numbers, the fractured Empire and the Eastern Kingdoms had to cooperate to drive them back and save themselves. After the wars ended, the Papers of Gaiminwen were signed (948 YOE), establishing a permanent border between the Great Empire and the Eastern Kingdoms.

The years since the signing of the Papers of Gaiminwen have, for the most part, been peaceful. The Empire has stabilized its borders with most neighbors. The Eastern Kingdoms have been less peaceful, but most of the conflicts there have been localized border disputes between various city-states and nations. In the Compact there have been continued conflicts with various Orcish tribes, but no major warfare.


All material Copyright (C) Mark A. Thomas