The Southern Campaigns

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Eria - World Resources

The Physical World Annual Calendar Vichese History
Vichese Religion Knights of the Sun Blade Order of Trian
Under-dweller Religion Mondais Religion
The Great Empire Ancestral Items The Mithos

Eria - World Maps

The World Map The Empire Imperial Legions

Campaign Index

Southern Sessions Home Southern Character Backgrounds Bronze Tower Introduction
Writings of Chalyb - Part I Writings of Chalyb - Part II Writings of Chalyb - Part III
Writings of Chalyb - Part IV Writings of Chalyb - Part V Writings of Chalyb - Part VI
Writings of Chalyb - Part VII Writings of Chalyb - Part VIII Writings of Chalyb - Part IX
Writings of Chalyb - Part X

Campaign Maps

The Region Map The Local Lope Map Donna's Necklace
Temple and Caverns

The Writings of Chalyb Sequitor - Part III

The discussion had been surprisingly short and one sided. Balla had suggested that perhaps they were not well prepared for a sojourn into the depths. Raphael had naturally seconded his motion, but that was to be expected. Chalyb admired the loyalty these two had shown towards each other, and hoped that if the time came, they would show the same loyalty to the group.

Apparently expecting their leader to argue, Ana quickly brought more logic to the discussion suggesting things back in town and their already extended journey may have left them less than fully ready to engage whatever might lie beyond these grand crevices.

Kentaro simply nodded and moved to stand next to them, as was his way. Donna and Vanlenlo didn't take sides, but clearly were interested in seeing their homes again soon.

Chalyb smiled, "My friends, you need not argue so vociferously. I too believe we should regroup before making the exploration of these caverns. Let us now return to the temple above and close off the great slab. Then we may return to Lope and inform those who are responsible for its well being of what we have learned here so far.

The climb back was long, but the faces of the party were uplifted in the thoughts of going home.

The party encamped besides the water to allow Ana the opportunity to rest and restore enough of her magical power to cast a flying spell upon Chalyb that he might shuttle them across the underground lake spread out before them. Balla and Raphael had started a fire and were munching on trail rations. Chalyb stood staring out at the darkened waters, wondering if that giant Garfish remained below, and if there were other things that might also reside in these depths. As he looked out he absently scratched at the poison ivy tattoo on his arm.

Vanlenlo's hand upon Chalyb's shoulder brought him out of his reverie. "Chalyb, I wonder if I might examine that book we retrieved from the desk above. Nodding Chalyb brought out the book and handed it over to the priest. Taking it in his arms, Van almost dropped it as Chalyb let go. "Oooph... Eria's Blessings, this thing weighs a ton!"

Chalyb bent over and retrieved the book from Vanlenlo with a slight grin, "Nah, only about forty pounds or so Van. Want me to hold it while you do your thing?"

Van nodded and straightened up handing the book back to Chalyb. "I could hold it of course, I was just surprised is all. Yet if you would bear its weight, it would allow me to better perform the ritual of Auspex."

Chalyb nodded, and watched as Vanlenlo said a short prayer and made some signs towards the earth. His eyes closed during the ritual, Chalyb was intrigued as the priest opened them that they seemed to glow a soft green. Chalyb had never been in a position to watch Van this closely as he worked his powers. The priests of Eria were a most impressive lot.

Van's eyes grew wide as he looked over the book. "By Somai's Broken Blade! Chalyb the thing burns with the power of Evil! Cast it into the fire!"

Chalyb's eyes rounded, and nodding he turned and threw the book straight into the fire. As it hit, a great many sparks flew up from the burning timbers, startling the Giacomo brothers, who were almost immediately on their feet with daggers drawn.

Ana broke out of her meditation and Cried "NO!!!" rising and rushing towards the fire. Kentaro gently moved in and caught her struggling form up in his arms. "Ana, you already have allowed one parasitic magical item to infest you, are you so eager to allow another in?" She calmed visibly at that.

"Well, no, but why destroy it. We could use it. For the good of lope. At least we should understand it to better combat it's Evil..."

Donna leaned forward, "Look. It burns, not at all." Pointing at the book, the rest of the party quieted and drew around the fire. It was true, the book was undamaged by the flames surrounding it.

"Well, that's probably not good." Said Balla. Voicing the thoughts of the entire group.

Ana returned to her meditations, and the others to their various things. When the fire died down, Raphael fished the book from the ashes, "It's not even warm." Turning he handed it to Chalyb. "Here you go fearless leader." The ex-legionnaire just grunted as he wrapped it in a sack and put it into his backpack. "What?!?"

Upon emerging from what must indeed be the hidden Cavern that the Journal of Denshi Vale spoke of, Chalyb and the others resealed the entrance beneath the great slab. Donna placed some enchantments upon it to warn them if others had opened the passage while they were gone.

The party left the foul temple and followed the road back to the encampment. But as they drew near the encampment and the river, they saw before them Riders! Apparently the riders had only recently arrived, and were looking through the remains. They spotted the company at the same time Donna saw them. "Chalyb look!" She had yelled.

Chalyb began to break into a charge, then realized they were too far away. Turning to the mages he gestured questioningly. They both shook their heads. Out of Range. Raphael had is bow out, but also shook his head. He might make the shot, but what good would it do.

Then he saw the lead rider gesture in their direction. "Ware!" yelled Chalyb, but it was neither fire nor lightning that found them. It was the whispered words of their adversary.

Abruptly the wind swirls around the group. The sudden breeze surprises you, as it is the first you've felt since entering the accursed vale. Suddenly a voice speaks, seemingly from the air:

"You think you've won? Think again. It's not over. It will never be over until you rot in the hands of the Lord of Decay. You and all you hold dear will be destroyed, leaving nothing but filth and putrescence. This I swear in Yullic's name. I shall have my vengeance!"

The wind fades and the last rider disappears into the shadows beyond the encampment.

"Damn," Chalyb growled, then to their retreating forms he yelled, "I have your BOOK!"

The party quickly moved into the encampment and located the mules, which Kentaro had wisely hidden in a small clearing outside the encampment. With Balla and Fausto in the lead, they began tracking the horses.

For some time they followed the tracks, but as night drew its dark cloak around them, Donna finally called them off. "Gentlemen, it is time to camp. We have lost them."

The next several days were spent making their way down from the mountains and back towards the general area of Lope. Ana provided some flying spells periodically to allow for the group to get their bearings, and Balla led them quickly through the wilds. Balla's ability to move easily and surely through the terrain impressed Chalyb greatly. As Chalyb was sure he would have been lost more than once in the strangely similar valleys and hills. Drawing into a small valley between two great mountains, Balla called a halt. Conferring with his brother they looked at a number of trees, which appeared to have been knocked over by a great storm.

"Chalyb, I don't think this is natural..." Balla began.

"Look!" Cried Ana, pointing up the vale. There, a great form rose... and rose... and rose. It was a giant! But far larger than any giant Chalyb had ever seen, and as the party stood stunned by the sheer size of the beast, it raised a great arm and cast a boulder as large as Vanlenlo's belly up into the air at the party.

"Duck," yelled Raphael who then proceeded to do just that. Balla looked about for a hiding spot then dove down next to his brother, which may have saved his life. Chalyb stood there watching the boulder's arc. A veteran of no few sieges, he knew that ducking and hiding really just created confusion and prevented people from being able to react afterwards. If it was his time to go, then so be it.

While Donna and Van worked with the mules, Kentaro moved up and simply said, "Stay." To each of them. They quieted at his touch and almost seemed about to sit down. He certainly seemed to have an almost magical ability with the animals.

Ana began preparing a counterattack, but realized that the boulder was coming for her. Diving to the side she managed to avoid being brained by the rock, but it slammed into her side and knocked her almost unconscious.

"Damn!" Chalyb yelled and charged. He hit the downed trees and realized why they had been pulled down. He suddenly found himself picking his way through a knocked over forest. He heard Balla call out, "Chalyb watch it, he's coming to meet you!" And looking up he saw the giant step over a wall as tall as he was and wade through the trees.

"Damn." Chalyb swore again.

Arrows whizzed overhead as Balla And Raphael sent them flying. Raphael's were blazing with magical power as they slammed into the giant. A quick look back showed Van tending to Ana who was getting back on her feet, and Donna raise her arms high overhead. Swoosh... A read stream of sparkling light leapt from between her palms and arced up overhead, exploding into a huge conflagration on the giant's head.

Still it came. As Chalyb turned to meet his opponent he watched Raphael's arm become a blur. One after another arrows leapt into the sky, each one blazing with energy and slamming into the giant. And yet the monstrosity came on.

Chalyb drew his sword and calling out, set it ablaze with the fire of his ancestors. The giant stepped nearby tree trunks as big around as Chalyb's thigh snapping like twigs under the monster's weight. Chalyb struck out with the Sword of Sequitor and pierced the things foot. Wrenching back his blade he felt his right arm shatter as the giant's club smashed into his shoulder.


His jaw clenched to avoid crying out, Chalyb moved to make an attempt at cutting the things hamstrings. He felt a wave of heat as Donna launched another fireball and smelled ozone as Ana loosed a lightning bolt. He was in position and concentrating on his strike, when both the giants war clubs, which must have originally been ancient trees the size of Chalyb's townhouse, met with him in the middle. The last thing Chalyb heard were his ribs shattering as darkness took him.

As the giant drew back his clubs, the group saw Chalyb crumple like a broken mug. Unseen by all Kentaro leapt lightly from tree to tree to get to Chalyb and apply healing. Balla, who walked that fine line between bravery and foolishness drew his blades and stood forth, forming a new line between the giant and his friends. If Chalyb could have seen it he'd have been proud.

Meanwhile magic and arrows leapt into the giant, who was now well charred and bore several bleeding and burned holes. Raphael's arrows took him in the eyes, and for a movement it stood as though dazed, then with the sound of a thunderclap, it fell forward crashing into the ground. Balla and Raph dove to either side, but the archer was just not quick enough and found his leg caught and shattered beneath the unmovable weight of the giant.

In the aftermath, Van brought the group back to full health, including Chalyb who had only survived due to the quick ministrations of his friend Kentaro. Ana explained how a lever might work, and Chalyb, Kentaro and Van were able to lift the giant up enough for Donna and Balla to pull him free.

While Kentaro tended the mules, the others went up to search whatever lair this thing might have. Chalyb remained behind to do something with the giant. Upon returning, the group had found a magical staff of some sort, a pair of fine gold armbands, and some coinage. They moved up and set up a campsite a little way always, because Chalyb had decided to bring the giant's skull back to the dwarves.

After several hours a disgusting and exhausted Chalyb returned to camp. He had disrobed as much as possible, and at this point simply discarded the clothes he had been wearing while excavating the giant's head. As the party came down they saw he had done a fair job of it. Using oil and fire to cleanse some areas, and with Donna's knowledge of skinning and his own of hunting, they had a reasonable clean if bizaare giant skull in front of them.

Ana and Donna were set to figure out how they could get it back to town, as it would be too heavy for a single mule to carry even if they could find a way to strap it. Meanwhile Chalyb sought out a nearby stream and washed himself.

It was Vanlenlo who finally suggested rigging a travois between the two mules. He was disgusted by the whole idea of taking a trophy, until Chalyb convinced him that showing this to the dwarves might inevitable prevent them from attacking humans who might be capable of such feats.

After rigging up the skull and redistributing the rest of the items, the group began to head south again while light remained.

Eventually arriving on the road, the party made camp for the evening. On the second watch, Balla and Donna's, the fire swept up as though caught in a tornado and then leapt out to engulf Ana. She naturally woke up screaming as Balla came over her with a blanket to put it out. Donna was examining the fire pit that had gone out.

The rest of the party woke and attended Ana, with the exception of Chalyb, who simply snorted and rolled over.

The next morning, as the party headed down the road to Lope, they met up with Leo, the Giacomo's eldest brother. He stopped and was suitable impressed with the giant skull. And commented that he was glad insanity hadn't run in the family when he was born. Leo was on his way to Denshi ferry to pick up some goods for their father. The brothers asked if he would mind bringing our horses back with him. So he took our markers for the animals and headed onward with the other five guys he was with. The Giacomo's almost seemed to want to go with him. Perhaps it would have been better if they had.

We arrived in Tori where we found that they had completed their palisade. The town looked quite good actually, and we were welcomed, even though it was late. The folken there remembered our aid to them in building the palisade.

We stayed the evening, and the next day awoke quite refreshed, having slept in a bed for the first time in three weeks. Gathering our things together, we prepared to move on, when Balla found himself drawn to a strange wagon in the middle of the town commons.

It was a small wagon, obviously acting as a home as well as a means of transportation. There was an old woman asleep in a chair outside the back of the wagon, and a small giant, who turned out to simply be a giant human, moving about through the crowd.

The boy, as the giant turned out to be was clearly a half-wit, and grabbed Balla and Raphael by the shoulders and nearly shook their arms out of their sockets. "Come, Come, Grandmother will tell your fortunes!! Yes, Yes, you come now, yes?"

After two or three iterations of this he actually paused long enough for us to agree, thereby gaining the release of the Giacomos, and a guide back to the sleeping woman.

With a gentle touch he stroked the old woman's shoulder and whispered, "Grandmother.... Grandmother... GRANDMOTHER!"

"Hmmm....?" The old woman opened her eyes and smiled at the half-wit. Who pointed at us. "I see. Have your fortunes told, will ye? That'll be five silvers." The party quickly lined up, except for Donna, who left to tend to horses, and Van who after much cajoling and harassment agreed to hear his fortune, but "Only for the purpose of giving aid to the woman and her son." To learn each of their fortunes we entered into the wagon and cast the mondarian runestones. What they revealed I may speak of another time, but not now.

We finally arrived in Lope, and well glad to be home we were. Moving quickly we dropped off our party members at each of their homes, and found that most all was well.

Meeting for dinner the next eve, we exchanged information on what had transpired in our absence:

Apparently the militia had ambushed a Knight of Trian along the roads. It had not gone so well for them, but being a Knight, they survived and were able to apologize.

Additionally, the militia had been attempting to ambush the bandits and were themselves ambushed by a pack of weres along the same lumbering trail that had led to our own encounter with the beastmen. This time they had not been so lucky, and had many injuries and lost one of their members. The keepers of Eria, Van's order, had revived he dead one, but possibly at the cost of one of their own. Sava, their oldest and most powerful in the faith, as well as being Van's mentor, had overextended himself, and found himself on death's door.

None had seen the Mondarian Mercenaries for some time, and most of the lands had been quiet. Though how much of that was simply due to the lack of traffic in the winter, none could say.

Chalyb asked Santo to arrange a meeting with the Council to discuss some of the things, which had been occurring recently. He had already describe the main points for Santo, so the Militia Captain was willing to arrange the meeting.

Balla and Raphael went off to sell off some of our items and treasures, and to purchase some pearls for use in casting Identify on our magic items. Once they had returned, Ana and Donna set off to identify Chalyb's arm, Ana's scarab, the ring, and the Staff. The ring turned out to hold the powers of: Stability, Motion, and the Human form. Kentaro claimed it as his treasure, and after some testing, it was found that no force could move Kentaro from his spot while he stood on the earth.

The Staff proved to be a mighty healing item. Having the power to fully restore any living being to full vitality, provided they yet drew breath. Vanlenlo claimed that for himself and immediately set off to apply it to Sava. It worked, and the ancient cleric was restored to his health from death's door. It should be noted at this time, that Kentaro had offered to Van his potion of Vitality for use on the priest before we were aware of the staff's powers. Such was Kentaro's generosity.

During this time, Vanlenlo shared with Chalyb and Kentaro some information he received about what his order knew of the history of the source of the Taint of the Onsho. Chalyb's journal alludes to this, but does not say what the information is, fearing that someone other than he might read this journal.

Ana kept the secret's of her scarab to herself.

Chalyb meanwhile learned that his tattoo provided him protection from Poison, and the ability to inflict a nasty poison on others by touch, once per day. These powers came at the cost of a susceptibility to fire.

Once the secrets of Chalyb's tattoo became apparent, naturally the party turned to the other two bottles. Smiling at each other, Balla and Raphael reached forth and each took a bottle. Balla chose red, and Raphael chooses black. Opening his blouse, Balla leaned back and opened the bottle aimed at his chest. The red contents leapt out as though they were a thing alive and flowed over Balla's chest, quickly disappearing beneath the skin. Balla gave a little start, but smiled as he saw it occur. Raphael chose to open the black bottle facing his right arm. As expected the contents flowed out and up his arm.

Over the next couple of days, the tattoos revealed themselves to be a red dragon for Balla, and black thunderclouds and lightning bolts for Raphael. Ana and Donna identified the tattoos and revealed that Balla's gave him defense from fire, the ability to project fire, and a susceptibility to cold. Raphael's allowed him to Project lightning, defense from lightning, and a susceptibility to earth.

The boys went out into the woods to check out their new toys, and learned that Raphael projected a globe of lightning around himself, Balla could breath fire, and Chalyb could form a globe of Magical poison either in his hand or through his ancestral weapon.

Everyone had taken care of their business and was busy training for their various endeavors, the time came for the group to meet with the council. Chalyb, Donna, and Kentaro arrived in town with a wagon piled high with hay. Vanlenlo and Ana, arriving separately met them at the council hall, each had a knowing smile as they saw the big pile of hay in the back of the wagon.

They were shown in and set to wait for some time. This proved fortunate, as it allowed the Giacomo brothers to arrive just before the group entered the audience hall. As they were going in, Chalyb drew Raphael close, "On my signal, go out to the cart and pull it in front of the main doors. When we open them, cast the tarp back and reveal what's under the hay."

Raphael started, "What's under..."

Chalyb shook his head, "Look when you are out there if you can't figure it out."

The doors opened and the group entered the audience chamber.

Before them were a number of seats that they moved forward and occupied. These seats were for petitioners of the council. They were arranged before a raised dais, which was of course a wooden erected stage only brought out when the council had people presenting or requesting things.

Upon the dais, in a rough semicircle about a table were the seven members of Lope's governing council:

The Council is the elected government of the town. There are 7 members of the council.

Sata Makai (F - Mondar) - Sato is a very influential merchant with significant clout in Xaymet. She owns a major shipping contract for goods going down river through Xaymet, and little moves on the river without her say so. She is a vocal supporter of Xaymet.

Geo Volo (M - Vichar) - Geo represents the Giovani Lumber Consortium (see details below). A sharp and condescending man, Geo has few friends outside his business associates. Geo is a moderate, expressing pro-Empire support if pressed.

Santo Coriorre (M Vichar) - Santo is a former Imperial Legionnaire captain and has charge of the town's military and police forces. Santo is well known as a strict law and order type. He is the strongest pro-Empire voice on the council.

Eriko Seiji (F Mondar) - Eriko represents the local miners on the council. She runs the assay station and the largest stores and stables in town. She is a dour and hard woman. She is fiercely pro-independent.

Danzo Tada (M Mondar) - Danzo is the chief priest of the local temple of Da-chan. He is elected each year by a majority of the Mondar population. He is a popular figure among the locals. Danzo usually remains aloof from the alliance debate.

Ilando Vina (M Vichar) - Ilando is the chief priest of the local temple of Somai in Lope. Like Danzo he is elected by popular acclaim by the Vichar population. Though the two have differing religious beliefs, Ilando and Danzo are good friends, and their friendly religious debates often drive the council to distraction. Like Danzo he is, for the most part, uninterested in the alliance debate.

Kaisen Saigo (M Mondar) - Kaisen is elected each year by the local farmers voting in block. Though less powerful politically than the other council members, Kaisen carries considerable clout with the common folk, and his word carries weight on the street come election time. Kaisen is strongly independent and would like to see Lope stay a free town.

The group waited quietly for the council, after a short period of discussion amongst themselves, the council motioned for the group to speak.

Chalyb rose, and the other did too, falling in behind him. He had worn his fine clothes for this meeting, and emulating some of his previous times reporting to nobles, he stepped forward and bowed.

"Governing Council of Lope, we thank you for this audience. I am Chalyb Sequitor. I am known to some. These are my brave companions, together we are known as the Company of Steel. We have come today to speak to you of threats to Lope. Some growing, some now diminished in strength.

A time ago, we formed ourselves as a group and cleared out the evil that resided in the Isle of The Bronze Tower. As you know that place was plagued with an evil, making it uninhabitable. The evil is gone by our hand, and the land begins to return to its fertile state. As proof of our actions, there are two new statues in the Chapel of Phenosh."

At this, Santo spoke up, "I will attest that the Tower has been cleansed."

Nodding to Santo, Chalyb continued on. "In addition, you may have heard rumors that we sought the ancient monastery which was rumored to reside in the mountains north of here. Our journey to find this monastery proved less fruitful than I had hoped, yet we had occasion to clear out a group of Bandits, which had been preying on the miners and groups, which trek north of Tranto.

We journeyed north into the hills and came upon a rather large fortress of one of the Dwarf clans living in the range. Gaining entrance, we made peace, and dare I say it earned some goodwill with the dwarves, who informed us that the activity of the giants in the area had increased. We spoke with them on some potential trade issues we had, and then went on our way. We had occasion to put down some wandering goblins and some giants, the goblin's crossbows we had donated to the militia under Santo.

After returning from the mountains we had occasion to eliminate a large pack of were's in the same region Santo and his men were ambushed. We also began to hunt down local brigands in the area in an effort to find those responsible for the elimination of Van's farm. During this time we also found the dead at the mining camp north of Tranto. The dead there were marked, with this symbol." With that Chalyb reached into his bag and drew forth the banner with the mark of the missing finger cult, and placed it forward on the dais. One of the council members came around and began to examine it muttering under his breath.

"We chose to track this down and many of our clues suggested that the evil of Denshi Vale was linked to these evils we were experiencing. So we left for Denshi Ferry and then to journey into Denshi Vale." There were some strange looks at this. "We found the only man who has ever returned from Denshi Vale alive. Unfortunately, he did not bring his sanity back with him. You are now looking at the only group to have returned, hopefully sane," Chalyb smiled, "from the vale."

Pausing for breath, Chalyb reached into his great satchel. "We found great evil there. The dead walked, the trees attacked, and strange fungal things emerged at night to feed on the sleepers. We found the river changed its course, and after a time we came upon the remains of the outposts which once held the residents. As proof of our travels I offer these." He pulled out several pouches of the ancient coins and spilled them out upon the dais. "And we found the ancestral home of the noble family who settled and ruled there for centuries." He pulled out the banner with part of Donna's family crest and the spoon that Balla had found which also bore the crest.

"We found that they worshipped Somai, the light bringer. There is an ancient journal that now resides in the archives of the keepers which speaks to their history, and to the evil, which came to the vale. We found their dead rising up from the evil waters near the temple of Somai, and after vanquishing them, we found this." Chalyb pulled out the golden Chalice of Somai and Held it forth. Father Vina, Sir we respectfully wish to donate this chalice to your order. Either at this temple, or if you feel there would be a better location, we will take it elsewhere. I am saddened to report that the temple to which it once belonged is destroyed."

The priest's eyes opened wide at this. "I gratefully accept."

Chalyb allowed the magnitude of the gift weigh in on what he was saying. He knew that as yet he had offered them no enemies, simply a recounting of the groups own deeds. He would need to get to the point. He motioned to Raphael who rose and left the chamber.

"Yet the past was not all we found. The banner you see was found in an encampment of cannibals. They had living human sacrifices mutilated and dying in slow pain. They were led by a man wearing this." He pulled out the robe of the mage who had ambushed them behind the small church of Somai.

The Priest of Somai shook his head, "You were lucky to get away alive."

"Actually sir it was they who were not so lucky. They had set up camp and perverted a small church to Somai. We slew those within the encampment and all the other we could hunt down. We could not save the sacrifices, but Vanlenlo, our own moral compass performed rituals to ease their torture souls.

We searched on, and found tracks, which led to a larger more complete temple to their dark master. There I fought their leader and defeated him in single combat." Chalyb drew out the giant fanged mace and placed it on the dais. "My companions destroyed his minions, including strange wormlike creatures. And we found an entrance to dark passageways, which lead to some evil beneath the mountains. We were not prepared for such a journey into lightless realms, and so we left the passage sealed and returned."

At this point Sata, spoke up, "So what! None of this is of any concern to us. Why should we care about anything which happens north of here?"

Chalyb bowed respectfully, he had been waiting for this, "Because it is not just north of here. The evil resides there, but it will not remain there much longer. We were aware of a strange gray fungus, which was making its presence known. Infected people began acting is strangely violent manners and then forgetting about it. Ana discovered the link between the fungus and the behavior. You are of course familiar with the farmer Kalia who's died recently. It was my company who went to speak with him and found him and his hands infected and raving mad, and one of his people host to some of the strange worms who are with this group. The have raided towns outside the reach of the militia, and are at least one source of these bandits who prey on the traveler to the empire and free cities.

I know there are political issues and entities that seek to influence the council. We have no wish to intrude on those matters, but there are other evils, which begin to prey upon the people's of Lope, and it's environs. Lope is our home and we wish to see its continued prosperity. For that we place ourselves at the disposal of the council. This is not to imply we would be at your beck and call as errand boys, nor to lower the respect or value of Santo's militia who are currently defending our borders. In fact we offer the militia these items to enhance their effectiveness." Chalyb motioned and Balla and Van Presented the council with the suit of Plate armor and two suits of good chainmail. "I do not seek to replace any of your current means of defense, but rather to give you someone to call upon when things like this are upon you."

Chalyb motioned to Donna and Kentaro who had been standing at the rear doors of the hall. The flung open the double doors, revealing Raphael sitting on the hay in the back of the wagon with a big smile on his face. When the doors opened he leapt up and drug the tarp back exposing for the entire council the contents of the wagon. Chalyb stood quietly fighting a grin as the giant skull smiled in on the Council of Lope.

There was much discussion to follow, and each member of the party made their contribution as the council asked questions and received answers. Finally the group was dismissed, and afterward went back to the bar for drinks and discussion as the council spoke on what they had heard.

After several days of attending to business, the Company of Steel prepared to head off for the dwarves and the monastery. Yet Leo, the Giacomo's brother, had not returned with their horses. Sensing something might be wrong, the company decided to go first to Lyme.

Heading north to Denshi ferry their trip was uneventful for the first two days. On the third day they saw a copse of trees with a number of large, but normal crows circling above. Naturally the party investigated, and found Leo and his companions hanging from the trees with the mark of the missing finger cult carved into their heads. Van quickly determined that they had been captured and gutted, probably cut open while still alive and left to bleed and die as their entrails slipped out of their bodies.

There were no tracks to follow, and Chalyb and the others rigged a travois behind himself and the mules to carry back the bodies. It was a slow cold walk back to Lope.

After the funerals, the company gathered together at the Wet Step and raised a few toasts to the memory of Leo Giacomo. The brothers were strangely quiet and withdrawn on the subject. Chalyb had seen this type of behavior before. Although they were close, Leo having saved Raphael's life when the younger had been trapped in quicksand, it was as though they were hearing about a character in a story. They couldn't personalize it at the time. Later, it would work itself out and they would find ways to express their mourning. However at the moment they needed something to occupy themselves. Thus did the party make plans to complete their journey to Lyme.

The journey up to Lyme was uneventful. At Denshi ferry they spent the evening chuckling amongst themselves at the rumors of a group of "Whack Jobs" who had made their way up the bluffs and into the Vale beyond.

Continuing on, they came shortly to a checkpoint at the border of the empire. Although Chalyb, Vanlenlo and Ana were citizens and allowed easy entrance, the others were not, and had to purchase a month long visa and surrender their weapons. The visa cost 10 gold and allowed for travel into and within the empire for the duration. Non-citizens are not allowed to carry weapons or wear armor in the boundaries of the empire. Thus the other stored their items on the mules, and the group made their way into the Empire.

There was an Inn, the Smack Dog, right near the post, and the company chose to spend the evening there. As dinner drew to a close, there was a strange occurrence that all the locals seemed to be quietly drifting out the back door. Some were leaving coin on the counter as they headed out back. As the party discussed the strange occurrence, Balla stood to head out the back door. Chalyb grabbed his arm and motioned to the serving maid. "Ask her first." He said to Balla.

"Excuse me, my dear, but what attends to the attention of your patrons in the back?" Balla began ramping up the charm.

"Oh them? They're jest headed out to watch the fights." She responded, gathering empty plates and noting Van and Kentaro's motion for more ale.

"Fights?" Balla pressed.

"Yeah, dog fights. I thought ye knew, having brought yer own." She motioned to Fausto.

"Oh!" Said Balla. Who sat and drew Fausto closer.

Ana however was intrigued, and stood. "Well, I think I'll check it out. Anyone else?"

Raphael stood. "Aye M'Lady," He and the other had begun mocking the way in which Ana was being treated since entering the empire. Chalyb decided that they could find out on their own, just what it meant to be a member of the peerage. He just hoped Ana didn't get it into her head to play games and bring down unwanted attention or misery on the group. It would not do for a party compose predominantly of non-citizens to run afoul of the law here.

Heading out into the back, Chalyb and the others drank some and then went off to bed.

Raphael and Ana watched and bet on the dogfights. Ana cozying up to a local sergeant of the guard, and pumping him for information. The was little to glean other than the fact that the unrest in Sandol .

Finally, the Company of Steel came to Lyme.

The walls of the mountains drew high and sharp. Raphael was the first to see them. At first he had thought they were simply a low hanging dark cloud. Chalyb chuckled at that, simply saying, "You'll see."

As they drew nearer the enormity of the mountains became clear. Having lived at the foot of the range for their lives, most of the group were not particularly surprised at the enormity of the peaks. On the other hand, the walls of the city were a new and extraordinary development. "I thought only Dwarves built cities in the mountains."

Lyme had originally been a simple city. Starting mainly as a barracks and then a keep guarding the pass from the southlands into the heart of the empire. The city had grown up around the keep, and eventually the massive walls surrounding the city had eventually come as wealth and trade passed through the city.

As the travelers drew in on the grand gates of the city, Chalyb related some of the history of the city to those of the group who had never been there.

"In times long past, this city has served as the gateway to the south. Thus its importance as a military and strategic position is invaluable. In the early days of the empire, before the empire began regulating the use of magic, there was a great and powerful wizard. He used his power to defend the city, and to raise a grand and beautiful tower. A tower whose foundations remain undiminished even today."

"Did he create these �orders' as you call them?" Asked Donna.

Chalyb noticed Ana was listening intently as well. "In fact, in an oblique way, he was responsible for the creation of the first sanctified order and the establishment of the laws regulating the use of magic. You see he was a brilliant and powerful mage, as I have said. He believed that these qualities should entitle him to rule..."

"As opposed to your current system in which it is an accident of birth?" Kentaro said quietly.

Ignoring the monk, Chalyb continued, "He summoned a horde of demons to ensure and enforce his rule, and took control of the city. Slaying the peerage and any other mages or priests who stood against him.

The empire took this activity rather poorly, and summoned together mages and brought down two legions. The mages banded together and swore oaths to each other forming themselves into what they called the �Order of the Silver Eye'.

It was a long siege, but a short battle afterwards. Mortal men stand little chance against the dark minions the mage summoned against them. While the legions bled, the mages used their powers to isolate the wizard and tear down his sources of power.

Since that time, Magic has been regulated and unauthorized use has been severely punished. Also, two legions have always been maintained here."

With that the party came upon the gates into Lyme.

Entering Lyme, the company set themselves up at the Inn of Seven Doors. Ana had wanted to stay at the Inn of the Silver Fox, and then had gone with Vanlenlo to meet his brother and see if there were any spare rooms. Chalyb chuckled at the strange dichotomy of her nature. She horded all her wealth, and then spent it on frivolous amenities. He supposed that was typical of those who never really had to work for their money.

The group spent the first night just waking about and locating various merchants who would be capable of purchasing their good and such.

When Van and Ana returned, Van was strangely quiet about his brother. Chalyb hadn't even known Van had a brother, let alone that the man lived here. Chalyb was further surprised that Van was renting a room at the inn rather than staying with his family. To top it all off, Ana showed up with a pair of growlers of a rather excellent beer from the brother's stock. Apparently the man was a brewer of no small repute.

The group made their way to the merchant's quarter. First, Chalyb went to pick up his pension from the legion headquarters. During that time, he asked for a brief interview with the quartermaster. When the interview was granted, he approached the quartermaster with the magical chainmail that the group had acquired from the tombs of the Tranto family at the bronze tower.

The quartermaster examined it and then asked for the certificate of authenticity. Chalyb replied that he was unaware of such.

"Well, I certainly can't just take your word that the mail is magical now can I, Sergeant?" Asked the quartermaster, who had immediately begun referring to Chalyb by rank.

Chalyb, who hadn't seemed to mind, and who had even seemed to stand a little taller ever since their interactions with the Legion had started. "Of course not sir. Perhaps you could suggest a place where we could have such a certification made?"

"Oh sure," He began writing something down. "Go over to Fering. He'll give you a fair price if you can get past his initially bluster."

"Thank you sir."

Taking the directions, the group wandered down and knocked on the door of a modest townhouse in an upscale neighborhood.

"Yes?" A small window in the door opened and a middle aged face peered out at the group.

"We seek an audience with Fering?" Said Chalyb.

"I see." The window closed and the door opened. "And you would be?"

"I am Chalyb Sequitor, these are my companions."

"And this would be about?"

"I seek to have a certificate of authentication made for this suit of magical chainmail."

"I see, and who sent you here?"

"He was referred to us by the legion quartermaster."

"Indeed. Well then. Come inside and let us see your armor."

Entering the house, the group had the feeling that the house was larger than it should be, but there was nothing particularly odd about the house itself.

"Well then let me see." He took the armor. "And how do you know that this is magical?"

"Well I have access to wizards of my own, they are simply not registered for this kind of work."

"I see." Fering, who this young man appeared to be, looked up and around the party, nodding at Donna and Ana. "Indeed. You realize of course this will take some time?"

"I do."

"You are willing to leave the mail here?"

"I am."

"You are aware that the materials involved are costly?"

"We are prepared to pay, and we have the pearl you will require for the casting."

"Ah!" Fering's face brightened considerably. "You HAVE had some exposure to wizardry. Excellent, I'll do it. Come back tomorrow morning."

"Your pardon sir, but could we discuss the price of your services?"

"Oh... Of course. Shall we agree upon... five gold?"

Chalyb nodded. "That would be fine. Thank you."

Fering wrote out a receipt for the armor. And Ana strode up to him.

"Yes, Fering, let's talk about wizard orders?"

Chalyb raised an eye. Ana was being a little blunt.

"Yes, miss?"

"Which order do you belong to?"

"I'm sorry, but that's not really any of your business."

"Well would you arrange for me to meet with your order?"

"Excuse me?" Fering drew back.

Balla reached over and gave Ana a little pinch.

"Ow! Hey."

"M'lady, I apologize. I was being a bit rough in attempting to get your attention." His eyes indicating his intent and a slight nod towards the mage carried Balla's meaning. Ana, being quick on the uptake nodded and turning back toward Fering began again, "I'm terribly sorry, sir, please allow me to restate my request. I am a citizen of the empire, and have had some training in the mystical arts, though clearly not anything in the realm of your own experience. I have been traveling for some time, and have never formally joined an order, nor had the opportunity to discuss such a thing with anyone." Ana approached and began trailing her finger along Fering's arm.

"This is my first trip back in some time, and I seek to at least examine the possibility of membership. I wonder if you would be so kind as to offer me the benefit of your obvious wisdom and suggest a course of action."

Fering, who obviously didn't get a lot of attention from the ladies, swallowed. "Well then, I mean that's different. Perhaps I could arrange an introduction. I will speak to my superiors and see if there might be an opportunity in the Quadracal. That's my order."

"I would be very grateful." Ana said as Chalyb herded them out the door.

The group sought out the local jewelers the following day. There were three of repute in the city. After displaying the coins, Jade bowl, and armbands to each, they ended up selling all the items at reasonable prices. Dealing with jewelers had its advantages in that they each paid in cash. Balla later commissioned one of them to bind and mount his wyvern stinger for display.

Returning to Fering, they retrieved the mail and the certificate, and went to determine the selling price. The Legion quartermaster offered a non-negotiable price of 1500 gold, The large armor and weapons house in town offered 1300 gold for it. The other potential armorers could not afford such an extravagance.

The party walked away, disappointed with the offers, Balla, Chalyb and Raphael went down to Giovani's near the tower. Clearly this was a less than fully legal mercantile house. After a brief discussion, they were offered a price of 1600 gold. Chalyb was still hoping for a larger sum. He suggested that perhaps they could trade for items in kind.

Chalyb, against his better judgment suggested that he might like to purchase a suit of enhanced leather armor for a friend in Lope. This friend was roughly the same shape and size as Balla and Raphael. The proprietor immediately took up the idea and heading in the back he brought out a fine if extremely dusty suit of leather armor. The armor was made of a fine tough hide. The hide had a light pattern of scales in it. The proprietor considered it likely to be wyvern. Having slain such a creature Chalyb and the others assured him it was not. However careful examination suggested it might be a fish hide of some sort. It was light, and with some cleaning would make an excellent suit of armor.

Later in the inn, Balla would accept the armor as his next future pick of treasure. It was tougher and somewhat lighter than traditional leather armor with no diminished capacity of movement.

In addition to the armor, the party received 1000 gold.

After selling the Chain armor, the party circled the ancient mage's destroyed tower. It was relatively unremarkable.

The others wandered off for the week, meeting periodically in various groups. Ana was looking further into joining a magical order. Balla apparent found a group of sisters and had some sort of a religious experience. Chalyb was less than impressed. Raphael seemed a bit put off, apparently looking for something yet not finding it. Donna set out to look at purchasing some horseflesh. And Van spent time with his brother.

Chalyb, Van and Kentaro did do a little research at the various temples on Yullic and Denshi vale.