Mark: OK let's do something a bit different...
Mark: You walk around a corner and spot a bowman!
Mark: He's preparing to fire at you it looks like.
Micah: Ok, I'll try some spell stuff this time...and probably some dodging...
Mark: You have both tokens on screen?
Micah: yep
Mark: OK let's do this!
Micah: Is there some kind of initiative
Mark: Nope. Everything is simultaneous.
Mark: OK so 'hide' :)
Micah: ok i duck behind the corner first...and do a spell but I need to look at the list a bit
Mark: OK
Mark: While you duck and cover he's going to move a bit and take a poor shot.
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 9 - 8 => 1
Mark: Fair bowshot +1 = Good -4 for cover = -2 Poor. Miss.
Micah: Ok, first spell: Barkskin, WotH-1
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 9 - 8 => 1
Micah: My WotH is rank 4
Mark: OK Barkskin you easily make the roll.
Mark: So now you have leather equivalent.
Micah: Skin hardened to toughness of wood = leather armor bonus/absorption
Mark: Right.
Mark: Leather is 1 rank armor with 1 clipped absorb.
Micah: So full round of movement is 30 ft? Or is it less for a human
Mark: 30' is a full move for human.
Mark: This guy looks like he's going to try for another shot no matter what you do.
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 4 - 8 => -4
Mark: Lame...
Micah: Very, let me state what I was going to before I saw that
Mark: Fair -4 = Terrible.
Micah: I'm going to charge him, and invoke my Rebel aspect, yelling my Rebel yell to give me a boost of energy, enabling me to cover as much ground as possible...
Micah: much is that?
Mark: OK if you're just running, double base. Roll an athletics roll.
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
Mark: 30' is 'move in combat' double for straight run.
Mark: OK do you have athletics?
Micah: Nope
Mark: Running?
Micah: I don't have anything really close to it
Mark: OK Mediocre -1 +2 for aspect, Average. Yeah 60 feet there. At least you didn't trip on those tree roots.
Mark: You must have scared the guy, he dropped his arrow.
Mark: This guy is pulling out a heavy bladed sword this round, and preparing for your attack. You note he's adopted a martial arts stance too.
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 9 - 8 => 1
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
* You roll to yourself: 4d3-8 => 8 - 8 => 0
Micah: We're still fairly far apart...let me look at more spells
Micah: Ok, sorry...I guess I'll just be moving after all
Mark: You can get to melee range this round.
Mark: Both can get a shot in at -2.
Mark: Clash smash!
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 10 - 8 => 2
Mark: Sword slash to the head! Fair result.
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 9 - 8 => 1
Mark: Great skill right?
Micah: yep
Mark: Great +1 -2 = Good.
Mark: So you end up +1 MoS +3 for pole arm.
Mark: Quick hurt.
Micah: Take that, you...pansy
Micah: I gasp a huge lungfull of air blast it right into my opponent's chest, calling up the Spirit Cutting Exhalation!
Mark: Ok he seems kind of pissed, he does some really fast blade flourish move and goes for a big cut. At the last second he diverts, going for your weapon instead!
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 12 - 8 => 4
Micah: he he
Mark: Ooo.
Micah: WotH 4 skill, which is my rank
Mark: Mean.
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 6 - 8 => -2
Mark: OK he actually fails his move.
Mark: Ok you beat fair, so no problem there. Great +4 is Legendary ++
Micah: knocked back 5 feet per MoS suffering approptriate wounds
Mark: That's like +8 MoS so he gets blown back 40' and collapses in a heap...
Micah: I'll charge...still can't move my token
Micah: full 30'
Mark: Hmm. Probably need to think about those spells vs. what defense.
Micah: very probably
Mark: I think the way I talked about it with Josh was single targeted spells like that are dodged.
Mark: But if you're doing a spell like that you have no defense unless you multi-move.
Mark: So if he had actually connected it would have been vs. Mediocre base defense.
Mark: Oh foe is taken out btw.
Micah: Cool. That's the quick way
Mark: Yeah. with a +4 roll, definitely.
Micah: That skill is listed as being vs up to 3 foes, too
Mark: Yep.
Mark: Basically the magic missle of WotH.
Micah: Except that there's no scaling by rank/caster level
Mark: Well there is, because you gain MoS by your level.
Micah: But you can't cast that one until you're 4
Mark: You were Great +4. If you had 5 ranks WotH it would have been Superb +4.
Micah: so there's no real wimpy version of it
Mark: OK so it's lightning bolt...
Micah: yeah, that's more like it ;)
Mark: It's probably more like Evard's black tentacles. Cause it has crowd control too.
Micah: Mmmm, Evard's black tentacles
Mark: So you want to try another?
Micah: I was going to follow that up with Touch of Pain
Mark: Yeah he was going for disarm.
Micah: I can't really do another one tonight. I'd like to do more tomorrow or some night this week
Mark: OK. That's fine with me.
Micah: Disarm would have sucked.
Mark: Josh said he'd probably be able to do some tomorrow.
Micah: Alone in a fight without my stick is bad for me
Micah: I really think you need to do this exercise with everyone
Mark: Yeah I think people will have to play to their strengths.
Mark: Yeah I agree. Josh and I have talked through a few via email.
Micah: With more people I shouldn't have to fight as much
Mark: I agree.
Micah: Plus I have some minor sneak ability s
Micah: so i might be able to creep in a bit
Mark: I may just do one battle via mail, 1 round a day with 'I hit it with my axe' moves for non-responding.