Mark: OK first test fight. Micah vs. a wimpy wolf monster. 30 feet apart at start.
Mark: You see the wolf, it's obviously going to attack. Action?
Micah: If there are any women, I want to doooo them!
Micah: sorry
Mark: I reserve the right to edit this before I post it up :)
Micah: he he
Micah: let's start with a frontal attack and see what happens
Micah: no fancy prep
Micah: how far can i move
Mark: OK so you going to wait for it to come to you?
Micah: yeah, let's do that
Mark: A full move is 30'. It looks like it's going to charge you.
Mark: OK
Mark: It is going to move and attack -2 for multiple moves.
Mark: Er actions.
Mark: So go ahead and roll your attack.
Micah: As it charges toward me, I twirl my staff over my head, building up momentum to meet it's charge...and baseball bat it in the head...
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
Micah: My Polearms is rank 3
Mark: OK so that's Good result.
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 11 - 8 => 3
Micah: youch
Mark: Oo. Charge carries some weight. That's Good too.
Mark: Tie, so 0 MoS for each.
Mark: Now you're using staff so +3 MoS for you.
Mark: So it takes a Hurt. You take a Scratch.
Micah: question, at what point can dodges be invoked? stated ahead of time? or other?
Mark: Well dodge is an action, so it would be declared.
Micah: I'm a little unsur how the wound track works
Micah: I have 1 scratch
Mark: OK you just took a 0 MoS wound.
Mark: If you look near the top of that sheet there's a MoS line.
Mark: Any time you take a wound (like +4 MOS) you look at that and add the wound to that category
Micah: Oh, I see that...but if I get more than 4 scratches, I'm automatically clipped?
Mark: The 5th Scratch rolls up to Clipped, correct.
Micah: got it, but I could have several scratches and maybe a Hurt without having a clipped
Mark: Right. Each wound applies based on MoS. The effects are cumulative though, so 2 Hurts / Injured suck :)
Micah: Okay, so next round?
Mark: Action?
Mark: Wolf is pissed off.
Micah: So I can take more than one action, but it costs me some, right?
Mark: Correct. Each additional action is -2 cumulative on all actions.
Mark: That's what the wolf did, full move + attack.
Micah: Okay, just for grins, I'll dodge the wolf's attack, spin to the right and come in with a full overhead blow to its spine...
Micah: is that 2 rolls or 1
Mark: That's two rolls at -2 each.
Mark: What's your dodge?
Micah: um...I think my dodge is rank 2
Mark: See you're better off just focusing on fighting.
Micah: i don't think I have my latest sheet here but i'm pretty sure it's 2
Mark: That's fine.
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 8 - 8 => 0
Mark: So dodge then attack?
Micah: yep
Mark: OK wolf bites as you spin away...
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 10 - 8 => 2
Micah: Stop rolling better than me ;P
Mark: Your dodge is Good -1 -2 which is -1 / Mediocre vs wolf Great bite. Ouch! Your attack is Great -2 so Fair.
Mark: So wolf has 4 MoS bite on you, BUT it uses its Strength (FP) to really bite down hard on that leg! +6 MoS...
Mark: Oh wait, -1 so +5 MoS it's hurt.
Micah: And at that point can I invoke an aspect to mitigate that? Like my Escapee aspect where I learned to endure hardships in the wild?
Mark: Then your fair swing, I'll call that a free attack since it did bite vs. dodge. So you got fair vs. default mediocre or +2.
Mark: Yes you can.
Mark: Spend a FP to take -2 from that roll.
Mark: The wolf is tough so it's going to suffer through your weak blow and suck up the damage (FP).
Micah: How many FP do we have?
Mark: And actually you're using your Aspect to boost your dodge by +2, with a net 5 MoS -2 for +3 MoS on bite.
Mark: You have 8.
Mark: Wolf has... some.
Micah: So now I'm at 1 scratch and 1 hurt
Micah: does that affect my rolls?
Mark: Right. which is -1 to all rolls for duration of fight from Hurt.
Mark: Caught up?
Micah: Yeah, I think...but I'm pissed off
Micah: I'm...feeling...very...VINDICTIVE!!!
Mark: Split action in 1v1 doesn't buy you much.
Mark: OK let's go!
Micah: I'm avoiding all spells this fight just to see what it's like, so I'm calling my Vindictive aspect to clobber that Som'bitch over the head!
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
Mark: OK wolf will return the favor by trying to eat your leg.
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 10 - 8 => 2
Micah: I said stop rolling better than me!
Mark: So you are Great +2 -1 = Superb.
Mark: Wolf is Fair +2 = Great
Mark: You have +1 MoS +3 from staff, so +4 MoS.
Mark: Oops. Forgot -1 on Wolf and you from wounds too.
Mark: Each drop 1 from roll, so net effect is nil.
Mark: Wolf takes 2nd Hurt wound.
Mark: It's pretty beat up now.
Mark: The wolf is now -2 for all rolls.
Micah: Wait, what MoS did the wolf bite me for?
Mark: It was Fair +2 -1 = Good.
Mark: You were Great +2 Aspect -1 roll -1 hurt = Great.
Mark: Great vs. Good is +1 MoS. Weapon is rank 3 so +4 total MoS.
Micah: Good was the wolf's roll or is that the target for a hit?
Mark: Good was it's final result. Remember it's roll vs. roll and only the higher roll does damage.
Micah: Oh, so I didn't get damaged that round
Mark: Correct. The only time you do mutual damage is on ties.
Micah: Got it...or when bite beats dodge
Mark: Right.
Micah: dodge or attack...DING...light goes off
Mark: If your combat skill is higher than dodge there's no reason to dodge melee.
Micah: Okay, time to clobber it again
Micah: Kill it
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 6 - 8 => -2
Micah: or not
Mark: Wolf is looking pretty beat up. It's going to fight though.
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
Mark: OK Great -2 -1 = Average for you.
Mark: Wolf is Fair -1 -2 = Poor.
Mark: +2 MoS +3 weapon = 5 MoS!
Mark: That's Injured.
Mark: Now it's -3 and bleeding a Scratch per round.
Mark: Ordinarily it would probably run, but it's rabid or something...
Micah: silly wolf
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 9 - 8 => 1
Micah: WHACK!
Mark: Great -1-1 = Fair
Micah: I need to check my dice
Micah: They aren't gem science
Mark: Fair +1 -3 = Mediocre.
Mark: +2 MoS +3 Pole Arm, Another Injured. It's twitching on the ground, trying to fight still.
Micah: 4dF
* Micah rolls: 4d3-8 => 7 - 8 => -1
Mark: lol
* Mark rolls: 4d3-8 => 10 - 8 => 2
Mark: Great -1 -1 = Fair
Mark: Fair +2 -4 = Mediocre
Micah: Put the poor thing out of its misery
Mark: +2 MoS +3 weapon = Injured, rolls up to Taken out.
Mark: Wolf is down and out.
Micah: Skin it
Micah: Wear its still bleeding skin
Mark: Yummy.
Mark: 6 rounds.
Micah: Okay, so the mechanics of straight melee is starting to make sense
Micah: Without WotH it's a slog even against a piddly opponent
Micah: WotW i mean
Micah: and spells
Mark: Well you could have pushed a result or two up with a FP to kill it faster.
Mark: And you rolled really bad. :)