A Summoner's Journal

Copyright © July 2002 Mark A. Thomas

[An AR story. Details on characters at the end.]

Day 14 of the Journey

Will it never end? When the rogues told me the passage to Lut Gholein was long and perilous, I didn't imagine I would be going mad from boredom. The sands are endless, broken only by the occasional butte or crag. Were it not for the occasional milestone, I'm sure I would have long since lost my way.

Emilio and I are nearly out of water. Luckily my minions require no such sustanance. Warriv said we should reach the city within three weeks. I can only hope we arrive soon. Something evil lies ahead. It has been growing like a black blot upon my mind. At first I thought I was catching up to the fleeing stranger, but now I am not so sure. The presence has a familiar feel, almost like one of my brethren has been practicing the art, but the taint is always there. Whatever lies ahead I can only hope my powers are sufficient to face it.

Day 16 of the Journey

We have seen the lights of Lut Gholein! As we made camp for the night they appeared on the horizon. With luck this will be our last night in the desert. I look forward to sleeping in a bed once again, though the evil grows stronger ahead. There is a will behind the taint. I feel it growing in power like a dark cancer.

Day 17 of the Journey

It is as I feared. We reached the city today, and were immediately greeted by the local potentiate. He seemed uneasy, but friendly enough. He quickly directed me to the local inn, and asked that I speak with the innkeeper, one Atma by name. Taking his leave, I made my way to the inn. As I passed through the crowded market, the townfolk gave me a wide berth, a look of fear in their eyes. Not an unusual thing in and of itself, but when someone cried out "Unclean!" and the crowd took up the cry, I realized things were more deeply amiss than I had first thought. I warned Emilio to keep a sharp eye out, and hurried towards the inn and my meeting with Atma.

When I arrived at the inn Atma sought me out immediately. She told me of a flesh-eating creature that inhabited the sewers beneath the city, and of its victims, among them her husband and son. My worst fears were realized. Abomination. One of my brethren has given themselves to the darkness. Seeking the unlife to gain greater power, they had fallen into that darkest of traps and become undead. I immediately agreed to help Atma avenger her fallen husband and son. I have left a letter for the master of my order with Deckard, with instructions to deliver it should I not return. Tomorrow I will make my way into the sewers and confront my fallen brother. Atma has agreed to house me for the night, a good thing since the townsfolk are growing more hostile by the hour.

Day 18 of the Journey

It is over now. I arose this morning very early in hopes of reaching the sewer entrance before the streets were crowded. The local lord, Jerhyn, must have heard rumor of what I was going to attempt because there were many guards on the streets as I passed, all armed, all watching the crowds.

When I reached the sewer entrance I paused for a moment, then focused upon the task at hand. Quickly I raised a fire golem and surrounded myself with bone armor, while Emilio began mumbling his prayer of might. We entered the dank passage and were immediately set upon by a number of skeletons. It was as I feared. Someone versed in the necromantic arts opposed me. This would not be easy. As the golem and Emilio rushed forth to slay the approaching foes I prepared to raise them again under my own control. I did not know who or what opposed me, but few challenged my skill when it came to controlling the unliving minions. A short while later we stood unopposed in the dripping passage, our numbers swelled by a full dozen skeletal mages.

As we advanced down the corridor, more skeletons advanced upon us. I quickly debiliated them with a curse and the mages finished them off. More grist for the skeletal mill. The next wave of foes featured strange four-armed beings wielding great swords. These struck very hard, but were too slow to cause much harm. My ranks were now swelled by another dozen skeletal mages, and a few warriors as well. The air in the sewers became charged as my foe began to feel the weakening of his hold upon this upper reach of his domain.

Using information provided by Atma (how she discovered it I have no idea), I quickly found the stairs downward. As we descended, I felt my foe's distant presence directly for the first time. As I reached out to touch his mind he sat secure, like a pustulant, oozing sore of evil, surrounded by a sea of souless minions. Yet within the dark hole of the thing's mind, for thing it was, I could feel a faint remnant of humanity. With a curse I broke the contact. Indeed it was one of my fallen brethren. I did not recall his name, but he was an older student, several years ahead of me in his studies. He left the school under dubious circumstance. I wondered how he had allowed himself to fall so far.

With a sigh I continued toward the source of evil. My minions were now a tidal wave of bone and sinew, over-running all opposition. In desperation my foe sent forth his minions, first in small disorganized groups, then in stronger parties with powerful leaders. In the end, they all fell, broken, before the horde I had raised.

We reached the last corridor. I could see the tables and grimores of my foe. With a laugh he sent forth his last forces, while I placed a mighty curse upon their ranks. My own minions advanced and began to mow down his. For a few minutes there was stalemate, then my superior powers held sway. Slowly his minions fell and were turned to my will. Eventually the creature stood alone, surrounded by my minions. Loyal Emilio struck the last blow, and the creature fell.

Silence descended upon the sewer, and as Emilio prayed over the remains of the fallen I searched through his notes and books. I was startled to see he had a number of fine references, obviously stolen while he was still a student. With study these will advance my powers considerably. Of course I will return them eventually, but not just yet.

When I returned to the surface, bearing the head of my fallen foe, the town was transformed. Immediately I became a hero instead of an outcast. The shopkeepers practically threw their products at me, while Griez, the local mercenary captain and brothel-master, practically forced me to partake of his 'offerings'.

I think I will enjoy a few days rest now, but I wonder what awaits beyond the city. Already the townsmen are telling me tales of strange creatures that walk the desert, walking dead, tainted vultures and giant insects that hunt men. Clearly my fallen brother's influence had spread beyond the walls of the city before I arrived. There is much work to do.

The Story

Meant to write this up a while back. Finally got around to it. This was the journey through Act II hell to kill Radament.

The Cast