Sarvakar Religion


There are two main religions in the Sarvikar belief system, as well as a number of minor cults. Sarva, Kelthu, the White Tree, and the Gods of the Old Cults are the only known deities of this world.

The Gods


Sarva is the sun god worshipped by the Congregation of Eternal Dawn. In most modern church documents, male, but there are old records of rites and rituals that refer to Sarva as a goddess (typically, rites involving planting/harvest, with Sarva as the bringer of life).

Sarva brought light and life to the void, creating the world and driving out Kelthu, an evil manifestation of entropy and darkness. Kelthu is imprisoned in the Black Core, an extra-dimensional trap. Sarva also defends the material plane from the gods of the Old Cults, powerful beings from other planes of existence.


In the days before recorded history, Kelthu was Sarva's greatest adversary, opposing light and life with darkness and entropy. Sarva was eventually triumphant and trapped Kelthu in an extra-dimensional prison. Modern belief systems claim Kelthu has no power in the mundane plane because the works of Sarva are perfect.

Kelthu is almost universally despised, though a few small cults dedicated to freeing it from its otherworldly prison.

Moda, the White Tree

The Tree, Moda, is a manifestation of the living world. Its branches and roots entwine the entire material plane, bringing order to birth, growth, and death. The Congregation of Eternal Dawn says the White Tree is a creation of Sarva, but Followers of the White Tree believe the Tree pre-dates the appearance of Sarva and Sarva's great conflict with Kelthu.

Gods of the Old Cults

These beings from other planes of existence offer their followers access to their power in exchange for sacrifices and worship. Followers of Sarva claim these beings are not gods, but power-hungry demons allied with Kelthu who seek access to Sarva's protected realm.

Sarvan doctrine recognizes nine powerful beings worshiped by the Old Cults, although they do not call them gods. Most of the information about these creatures is anecdotal, and may or may not be accurate. They all have magical powers, including the ability to appear in many human guises and assume the shapes of animals and monsters.

Congregation of Eternal Dawn

The Congregation of Eternal Dawn is the primary religion and is based upon monotheistic worship of Sarva, a sun god. There are several separate denominations that (mostly) coexist peacefully. Differences between the sects include varied interpretations of some rituals and attitudes toward magic use. A structured priesthood, headed by a council of cardinals drawn from the various denominations, controls the church. The Congregation is more or less the church of the state, although it is not formally recognized as such.

Followers and priests of the Congregation have varying opinions of Followers of the White Tree and Old Cultists, depending upon their denomination.

Common Symbols

Main Denominations

Sovereign Military Order of the Darubhan Rose

The Knights of Thorn are an Eastern Orthodox (E.O) religious and military order, founded by a holy charter given to Lord Augustus Thorn in the year 478.. Having received full sanction and support by the various E.O. Archbishops, they are charged with the care and defense of the worshipers of Sarva and to uphold her ideals.

Originally founded as a charitable organization, the Knights of Thorn organized a militia from the order's members, dividing them into four ranks: paladin, knights, men at arms, and priests. This was in response to various threats encountered during their duties and to be prepared in case they are ever called to serve Sarva in battle. The Order's paladins are the true backbone upholding the highest standards of Sarva and acting as a rallying point during times of trouble. For many years it has been the Knights of Thorn who were first to answer the call when Sarva's people were attacked by outsiders. Knights also administer aid during plaques, attend to lepers, and help rebuild towns. These good deeds have engendered positive feelings toward them from the populace but have also made the Knights enemies that fear their power.

In recent years, they have also acted as a counter balance to the orders and inquisitions operated by the Sacred Council of the Solar. Whereas the SCotS may act with the power of fear the Knights act with kindness, and this will often bring the two into verbal if not the occasional physical confrontation.

It was the Knights that first answered the call to fight the Red Horde having been involved in the initial battles and subsequent fighting retreats. Paladins fought on the front lines, providing cover for refugees, their priests and clerics attended to the sick and injured, and their men-at-arms helped build defenses for the city sieges that occurred. Their losses were severe in men and properties but they have pushed on, many of their order carrying invaluable tomes and writings strapped to their backs. To preserve their work several Paladins were sent to the Colony, task with re-establishing a chapterhouse for the Order in the new world.

Each member has a small brand of a rose on his/her neck received during their initiation rites. It is a way for each member to identify another member of the order and is covered by their long hair.

Oath of the Knights:

Followers of the White Tree

Followers of the White Tree revere the earth and all things that grow upon it as embodied by Moda, the tree that supports the world. Druids are the principal clergy of this religion, and it has many followers among farmers and other folk who spend their lives working outdoors. Followers of Moda are mostly tolerant of other religions.

Common Symbols

Druids carry a staff that symbolizes their connection to the White Tree. Staves are carved and decorated with leaves, branches and nuts. Attendants carry a silvery gray staff. Initiate staves are white. Members of the High Council carried gold and green staves.

The Followers use rather plain halls made from natural materials or open groves as places of worship. Their stone altars are decorated with a carving of the White Tree, ideally made from holly, but sometimes alder or hawthorn.


Druids of the White Tree have a loose organization that mimics the roots of a tree. Low-ranking druids, Attendants, serve their community or protect their lands as they see fit, guided by Initiates who are responsible for larger areas and issues. Initiates who show great wisdom are inducted into the High Council.

The Council was based in the Sacred Grove of Shar in Modari. The Grove was burned to the ground in 1025, and many members fell defending the holy site. Attempts to reform the Council have met with limited success.

Old Cults

There are a number of minor religions, known as the Old Cults, based on an older pantheistic belief system that predates the rise of Sarva as a central deity. For the most part followers of these older religions are shunned or worse, so most practice their faith in secret. Priests of the Congregation of Eternal Dawn hold Old Cultists are heretics, while Followers of the White Tree are slightly more tolerant of their beliefs.

See the section on Sarva above for a discussion of Sarvan beliefs about the old gods.